kurtpikachu2001's Futurama Comics #73 - Night of the Automated Dead review

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    They're Coming To Get You, Planet Express!

    Hope our intrepid Planet Express Crew have some peashooters and cactuses on hand! But, in this one, they do not!

    Issue #73 was beyond epic! All the characters played such fantasic roles in this one. We got to see Chapek 9 again, a Dr. Strangelove spoof, references to Robot Chicken, Game of Thrones (with the Hypnotoad), Walking Dead, and Garfield and Friends. sensational story, and prodigous plot!

    Scruffy acted like a cross between Bender and Zoidberg in this one. Bender wanting some sick days and divulged himself to a robot cold virus, and just being his great and awesome self! Who knew Planet Express was built above a robot graveyard? Sounds like Poltergeist! We see Calculon. The Robot Zombie invasion is a very plausible plot for Futurama to use. Bender started it, and then ended it. (Scruffy had a hand in it, too)! Funny when Zoidberg thought the robot zombies wanted to be his friends. Amy saying the news was fear mongering, and Hermes says his famous Sweet (somethings) of (somethings) with a celebrity's last name instead of a province, state, or country! Which I thought was cool to do for a change.

    The Night of the Automated Dead is a must have for any Futurama fan! Know I always state that. Here's another interesting tidbit, if you look up this issue on The Infosphere, Night Of The Automated Dead was originally planned to be an actual episode! Wish this could've been made into an episode for the final season instead of Leela and the Genestalk. The writers should've scrapped and trashed Leela and the Genestalk altogether and made this into an episode instead! Then I would've been more excited for the final season.

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