For the Political Compass Test what do they mean?

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what is left libertarian, right libertarian, left authoritarian and right authoritarian. Also give me examples of people

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@silent_bomber: Ok so left libertarian is communism and right autoritarian is sort of todays reoublicans and hitler. But what do the Left and Right Libertarian mean?

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I'm probably not the best person to answer this tbh, but lets see if I can do this without messing up heheh

  • The people on the right are advocates of Capitalism, the people on the left are advocates of Socialism.
  • The people at the top want the Government to have a lot of power over society, the people at the bottom do not.

I take it that you made a Typo about Left Libertarian being Communist given your subsequent sentence.

The people at the bottom want as little Government control as possible, the extreme end of Libertarian Right do not believe in taxes or the regulation of Business, they have total faith in Capitalism. They believe that injustices were caused by Government tampering, and that without the Government there would've been more competition, and the competition would've forced Businesses to give their workers better pay and working conditions because they would have had to compete for the workers themselves lest they go to work for someone else. The extreme people here, such as Ayn Rand were also, for example, against the Government building roads, they felt that the people using those roads should've been responsible for finding and paying the road builders to make the roads, she also believed that there should be no welfare at all, and that the unfortunates should be taken care of by Charity or their families.

The Libertarian Left at their extreme are Pacifists and Anarchists who believe there should be next to no, or no Government, and er, I think they want kind of a system where people in small communities voluntarily band together and help each other. I guess these guys believe that nobody should be forced into anything but that a system should be there that fosters mutual benefit.

Of course I'm just talking about the extremes here, the people in the middle corners are going to be fairly similar to each other.

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#5  Edited By dum529001

@silent_bomber said:


I'm probably not the best person to answer this tbh, but lets see if I can do this without messing up heheh

  • The people on the right are advocates of Capitalism, the people on the left are advocates of Socialism.
  • The people at the top want the Government to have a lot of power over society, the people at the bottom do not.

I take it that you made a Typo about Left Libertarian being Communist given your subsequent sentence.

The people at the bottom want as little Government control as possible, the extreme end of Libertarian Right do not believe in taxes or the regulation of Business, they have total faith in Capitalism. They believe that injustices were caused by Government tampering, and that without the Government there would've been more competition, and the competition would've forced Businesses to give their workers better pay and working conditions because they would have had to compete for the workers themselves lest they go to work for someone else. The extreme people here, such as Ayn Rand were also, for example, against the Government building roads, they felt that the people using those roads should've been responsible for finding and paying the road builders to make the roads, she also believed that there should be no welfare at all, and that the unfortunates should be taken care of by Charity or their families.

The Libertarian Left at their extreme are Pacifists and Anarchists who believe there should be next to no, or no Government, and er, I think they want kind of a system where people in small communities voluntarily band together and help each other. I guess these guys believe that nobody should be forced into anything but that a system should be there that fosters mutual benefit.

Of course I'm just talking about the extremes here, the people in the middle corners are going to be fairly similar to each other.

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The USA has been taken over by tax-exempt multinational corporate businesses that are shipping jobs over seas. They pay no taxes, take away jobs and want the poor and middles class to pay for everything while they pay for nothing.

These people own over 50 percent of the worlds wealth. 6000 people have over half the wealth and are hoarding it. 6000 people out of the total 7 billion!

America has been conquered. These multinationals own America and country's politicians are merely watching over these people's property.

They will rob America blind and turn us all into their prisoner-slaves.

Economic, political and military warfare is being waged against America to make us nearly collapse like some countries in Europe. Once they have us on our knees they will probably finish us off with a bullet to the head.

These are the "Robber Barons". The robber baron class are globalist thieves and cheats. What they do is an injustice and must be stopped.

I am Libertarian. I stand for freedom and I stand against the tyranny of the robber barons.

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It seems like the people in the red and purple boxes are a oxymoron.