kingoftheworld's Doom Patrol #19 - Crawling from the Wreckage review

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    Please fasten seatbelts and face toward the front.

    You are in for the ride of your life. Doom Patrol #19 welcomes Grant Morrison on board and dear lord does he deliver. The first few pages let you know that you are in for something different and possibly weird and insane. Just like Morrison himself. He gives us the best representaion of Robotman in my opinion ever. Showing his trauma from crashing a race car and being in a psych ward to his thoughts about no longer being human. Then there is Crazy Jane. Multiple personalties and powers are a description barely covering her depth. What he does next with Larry Trainer the Negative Man can not be described but must be witnessed. And the Chief is shown to be the magnigficent manipulator that he truely is.


    Crawling From the Wreckage changes what a comic book is capable of. Whatever expectations you have for this series will be tossed aside and you will be hanging on begging for more.  This issue along with the rest of Grant Morrison's run should be compared to Born Again and Watchmen.


    Doom Patrol as a series is as avant guarde as a comic book can get. Imagine Velvet Underground as a comic book. Morrison reinvented each character while at the same time staying true to each of their orgins and essences.




    This is the only collected volume of Doom Patrol from this era for a reason. It is one of DCs best books ever written.

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