

    Character » Devastator appears in 111 issues.

    Devastator is the combination of the six Decepticons who are known as the Constructicons. The first Combiner ever, and is nearly unstoppable in battle.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    1839162 NightFang3 Issue 03/13/24 07:24PM 48 done
    1815969 NightFang3 Issue 02/16/24 12:47AM 64 done
    1773488 ZT0V Issue all on page 2 lot going on in the image let me break it down. top left (background) you have Snarl and Slag joining the fight while Grimlock is kicking Devastator hand who i believe to be Sludge giving him a right hook while Thundercracker is fighting Ratchet. bottom left (background) you have Sunstreaker and Jazz Fighting a yellow and purple Desepticon not sure who he is. top middle (background) you can see Ratbat and Starscream. middle (background) Wheeljack fighting Skywarp and not sure who that white desepticon is top right (background) is Drift and Kup fighting Scorponok and who i believe is Swoop in the very top right bottom right (background) just behind Hot rod's(Rodimus Prime) fist you can see Runamuck and Runabout finally in the foreground Soundwave is fighting Hot rod, Ravage and Rumble are facing Bumblebee and Magatron is facing Optimus Prime with Lazerbeak . Thanks for reading! 12/31/23 11:08PM 40 done
    1599208 ScottyHawkeye Issue 07/14/23 11:06AM 98 done
    1578975 LinKueiAssassin2099 Concept 06/27/23 08:49PM 202 done
    1445947 cloudguy Episode 03/18/23 03:33PM 105 done
    1103969 g33ky monk3y Issue 05/26/22 12:15PM 91 done
    1098186 fesak Character 05/22/22 10:34AM 2 done
    873879 stupot12 Issue 09/04/21 03:54AM 32 done
    855465 stupot12 Issue 08/10/21 04:47PM 10 done
    721556 pikahyper Issue 04/04/21 05:15AM 242 done
    539117 pikahyper Issue 08/31/20 04:39AM 179 done
    48093 EPYON8675 Character 07/19/18 12:24AM 2 done

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