deadpool_a_k_a_wade_wilson's Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #10 review

    Avatar image for deadpool_a_k_a_wade_wilson

    Overkill Never Felt So Good

    Please don't act like you're not tired of Deadpool he's everywhere from the poster on your comic book shop to the promotion in the back of your comic book and even manages to slip into comics you wouldn't dream he'd be in but through it all we keep coming back why? It's simple really Deadpool is funny case closed, the dude is an issue of Late Night Television and so since is hadn't bin reading the ole Merc with a Mouth i decided to return to my roots by reading this comic. 
    I'll start off by saying i officially love Victor Gischler, no disrespect towards Way who's run on Deadpool has bin.... Nice but V.G is like a breathe of fresh air kinda of like a Hot Girl at a Nursing Home he brings life to Deadpool once again making him crack jokes all throughout the comic and leaving DP Fans in a pool of laughter and not only that he stays true to the essence of Deadpools Character what Way was failing to do ( in my opinion)  Artwork was different and sometimes that is good cause i liked it better than the last issues! I say pick up the comic cause DP is Back and better than ever!

    Other reviews for Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #10

      Review: Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth #10 0

      Deadpool, Zombie Deadpool's skull and their friends run afoul of both A.I.M. and various reanimated supervillains in the zombieverse. THE GOODDeadpool might be glutting the market, right now (we've seen Deadpool/Cable and Deadpool Team-Up in just the past two weeks), but amazingly, the quality level is still up. I was laughing out loud, no joke, at many points during Victor Gischler's script. The stand-out for me was the gag when he literally dropped a skyscraper...

      8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

      I really don't want this to end... 0

      From the start I've enjoyed Deadpool MWAM more than Daniel Way's Deadpool series...why? Well for one Victor Gischler writes Deadpool more like he's supposed to, cracking jokes and talking all the time, while Daniel Way only has Deadpool talk when he should and he barely has him crack any jokes (He let's the voices do that). Also Daniel Way only writes for the moment and what that means is if he wants to do a funny joke (Like trying to shoot with their feet) that Deadpool would never do because h...

      7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

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