pspin's Daken: Dark Wolverine #19 - Pride Comes..., Pt. 4 review

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    Daken Dark Wolverine #19 Review

    Daken Dark Wolverine #19 Review


    Pride Comes… ends with a big battle between Marcus Roston, Daken and the Runaways

    The Good:

    This is a solid fight issue that fits well with the rest of the series. There is action and character to the story. It is able to show that Daken is not a hero; he is Daken, who looks out for himself and helps others if it helps him. This is best exemplified when he lets the Runaways fight Roston simply to weaken him even though Daken knows they can’t win. The Runaways make a good addition, they save a few people and do a lot of the fighting which is cool to see them in action because they stay true to their characters, not just who they need to be for the book. Donna Kiel plays a small but pivotal role too.

    The Bad:

    As much as I like Donna Kiel, her heat addiction is annoying and in this issue makes her seem weak and out of character. At one point she tries to kill Daken because Roston says one thing to her and five minutes later she attacks Roston with a helicopter. Which brings me to another point as cool as the helicopter part was, it was a bit implausible, even for comics, but oh well.


    Over all it is a good issue that fans of both Daken and the Runaways should enjoy, this is a terrible spot for new readers to jump in as it is the culmination of several story points.

    3.5 out of 5

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