gmanfromheck's Creepy #3 - X-Change; Pelted; The Curse; Maquiladora; Loathsome Lore; A Creepy Classic: The Disintegrator; review

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    Pull The Bedsheets Over Your Head, It's A Horror Comic!

    Horror and comics. The two don't always work well together. I love the horror genre and (obviously) love comics. Can the big names working on this book make the two work?

    The Good

    48 pages and six stories. Normally I'm not a fan of anthologies (take the recent X-Men: Nation X mini-series), but I like the idea here. And can I start by pointing out how creepy that cover is? That's bound to give you nightmares. Maybe it's because I haven't been reading too many horror comics these days, but I really enjoyed this comic. The black and white really works in creating a darker tone in each story. There's a great list of creators involved that really make this worth picking up.

    The Bad

    Are the stories really "creepy"? Not really. They can be a little disturbing. There's not much to complain about. While I feel the horror genre works better in a live action format, this doesn't feel as cheap as some other horror comics I've read in the past.

    The Verdict

    I felt like I was taking a trip back to the 60s when horror comics were more abundant. This book does justice to the Creepy name and Uncle Creepy should be proud to appear in this book. Horror comics might not be for everyone and the $4.99 price tag might seem a tad high, but you do get a lot of really good content. Creepy is just a really fun comic that you can jump into at anytime. You just might want to read it while there's daylight outside.


    Other reviews for Creepy #3 - X-Change; Pelted; The Curse; Maquiladora; Loathsome Lore; A Creepy Classic: The Disintegrator;

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