razzatazz's Catwoman #31 - Contagion, Part 5: Flesh and Fire review

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    One of the highlights of the Contagion crossover

    One of the things I loved so much about this series (except for the last year's worth of issues) was the fact that it let Selena be her regular sassy mischievous self but when the chips were down, she always took the side of the angels.  Here she teams up with Azrael and Tim Drake to try and find one of the survivors of the Contagion virus in the hopes of finding a cure in his blood.   Let me say first of all (for reasons I have stated before) that I loved her arctic-camouflage costume: 

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    A lot of the Contagion crossover was more of Batman stuck inside Gotham city trying to find out how to deal with the problem, but in this issue there is lots of action, and even a bit of espionage-like intrigue.   They are in the midst of an international manhunt with mysterious soldiers trying to stop them and eventually find out there are two more survivors which means more plane rides to various international locations.  As such even though it is part of the larger story arc, this issue still holds up relatively well as a stand alone.    

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