
    Blackest Night #4

    Blackest Night » Blackest Night #4 - Part 4 released by DC Comics on December 2009.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 7 user reviews

    Blackest Night #4: Terror reaches 100% 0

    This issue deals exclusively with the war on Earth between Earth's remaining heroes and the Black Lanterns. Barry Allen shines as he rallies the troops to make a stand against these unstoppable heart ripping zombies. While it seems as if the heroes could find some means of keeping the Black Lantern at bay, Barry is unaware of the ring's power supply level. As it reaches 100% a trump card is dropped and literally the EArth reaches its Blackest Night with the villain behind it all stands revealed....

    3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    How can you not love this event! 0

    I'm a big Green Lantern Fan so its pretty obvious anything that comes to blackest Night I love, and find interesting.   This series in this issue goes above and beyond for me, mostly for them showing Flash as the character he should be! While it seems that not much is answered in this issue that isn't already know, the good artwork, and quick flowing story allows a nice solid read  I'm just more sad that this is the half-way point for this great event, heres to hoping it just gets better from he...

    1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Oh no he didn't! Oh yes he did! 0

      I’m so fking pissed off right now… This will be my fourth time trying to write a review for this god damned issue. The last three times I’ve watched my review be eaten by some kind of page error… Most men would have given up by this point… But I’m so irritated and dead set on posting a review now that I cannot stop myself. If my life is to go on I need to post this. And what really pisses me off is that all three reviews were pretty funny and fair. But I don’t even give a shit now. I just ...

    3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    RISE! 5

    Well it happened, power levels reached 100%. I have to admit i was shocked when i saw them bring in Nekron. I haven't looked at any of the spoiler images so i had no idea that Johns had this in his pocket (Bravo).  As always the art of Ivan Reis is exceptional! Panel after panel is poetry for the eyes, filled with blood and rotting corpses ripping hearts out of costumed heroes. I can't stress enough how much i love this art. Page after page is something i've never seen before. Johns shows us tha...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Blackening Johns' Reputation. 0

    Mera - " If I'm Wonder Woman and you're Superman, what's that make him? " Atom - " The Flash "  It was a fantasitc moment. One of my favourites in the whole comic, but then again I am a massive Flash fan. Barry Allen kicks major Black Lantern butt in this issue.  In issue three we saw resident ring slinger Hal Jordan whisked off world by Indigo-1. Now the rest of Earth's heroes are left to defend against the rising dead. Flash takes it upon himself to warn everyone by running around, literally, ...

    2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Mr. Reaper's Neighborhood 0

    (Music in the backround and camera zooms into Reaper sitting in a chair reading this comic.) Why hello it was so nice of you to join me today, now how about we do a special review of Blackest Night #4. We have a very wonderful review ahead of us, I must say that this is a very nice comic and is very enjoyable. Now I don't want to ruin it for all you curious little ones out there, but I will say that it was a joy to read and was quite refreshing.  For all you eager beavers out there who waited to...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    It makes him who he already is 0

    The action which thus far in the series has needed an introduction to get the reader up to speed, needs no such introduction here and the issue proceeds at a rapid and exciting pace.  With Hal gone all that is left of the Justice League is Barry, Ray and Mera, and the three of them rally to make a plan before things fall completely apart.  Barry appoints Ray and Mera as "Superman and Wonder Woman" for the time being and the two head to New York and to the heart of the action.  This leads to a re...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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