
    Avengers #4

    Avengers » Avengers #4 - Only the Good Die Young released by Marvel on October 1, 2010.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Average score of 7 user reviews

    Avengers #4 1

    Believe or not, but Bendis actually still haves my interest. A lot of surprising character pop-ups, and a whole lot of action. Comics today tend to sway from so much action. Well I love action..started reading and buying comics in the late 70's and 80's. I started really reading and enjoying them in the 90's, when action was a big part of each story. The only fault that I have with this story so far is Hawkeye is constantly held back in the background. Other than that this Avengers story arc has...

    5 out of 7 found this review helpful.

    Avengers #4 1

    Let me just start off by saying that this is perhaps the worst issue of Avengers I have ever read. Thanks to Bendis' nearly-illegible dialogue and his atrocious, inaccurate portrayals of everyone from Spider-Man to Toruun to Killraven to Noh-Varr; the story, if you can actually call it that, has become so confounding in nature that I doubt very few will be able to read it all the way through and actually be able to understand what exactly the point of this story was by the time the "Next Avenger...

    7 out of 10 found this review helpful.

    Please get rid of this artist!!! 4

    Story: Noh-Varr, Logan, Tony, and Bucky are in the future and it does not look pretty. The future is in utter chaos and it seems that it is an all out war between heroes and villains. In the present Peter, Thor, Spider-Woman, and Clint are talking to Killraven. Killraven is so excited to see Spider-Man, but Peter doesn't remember who he is. These giant machines start attacking the city and Thor goes after them and takes them down. Maria Hill shows up and warns the civilians to clear the street, ...

    9 out of 11 found this review helpful.

    The true culprit behind the timecrises revealed 1

      More of this badguy in Avengers #4 Im probably gonna get an army of comic fans ready to share their disagreement with my review for this one issue. Probably the most hated series for the Heroic Age and sadly the main comic for our Heroic event just lightened itself up for me with this one issue. But make no mistake that somebody is terribly jacking up their storytelling with these issues. Before I start this review, just because I can be fair and give a guy credit, I still hate Bendis for wh...

    6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

    Avengers #4 Review 2

         Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita JR continue their Time-spanning adventure and we pick up right were we left off last week.Spider-Man, Maria Hill, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, and Thor staying in the past while Captain America, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Noah-Vor go into the future. I really like the parts of this issue that made sense. unfortunately a lot of it didn't. There were a few double splash pages that despite being fantastic to look at did not make sense. I did however lov...

    2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

    "Desperate times. Different rules" 4

    Be sure to check out my review of The Avengers #3.  100 Words Or LessSpider-Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Spider-Woman, and Maria Hill are in the present, dealing with the timestream disturbance, with help from Killraven. Meanwhile, Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, and Noh-Varr travel to the future, only to come face to face with a horrific event. They get ambushed by their future children and discover future Hulk was the one who sent Kang back to the past to warn the Avengers of the impending future...

    4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

    Dinos, Martians and War 0

    The Story - There is a rift in time continuum, so a group of Avengers (Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America and Noh-Varr - aka Alien Boy) travels to the future in order to figure out if what Kang told them is true or not. Meanwhile the rest of the Avengers (Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Thor and Hawkeye, with Maria Hill) stay behind and watch astouned the Big Apple being invaded by Martians, dinos and Killraven. The Writing - I´m not sure if this first arc of this book is good or not, but I´m leani...

    3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

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