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Marvel Apes #1 Early Review/Preview

Marvel Apes is swinging your way
Marvel Apes is swinging your way

Because You (probably didn't) Demand It

Thursday is the day.  You know you've been waiting for this.  This is the next big thing at Marvel.

How is it?  It wasn't bad.  I have to admit, I actually laughed a few times.  Doc Ook?  The Ape-Vengers?  Monk-hattan?  I won't 'ruin' what Giant-Man's name is.  It was entertaining. 

How does such a thing happen?  Looking at the preview you can see there's a scientific reason we get to see all our heroes in simian form. 

It's not quite on the level of Marvel Zombies.  It does make more sense than Spider-Ham and his universe.  Who would've thought that the Gibbon could actually be a likable lead character? 

I will tune in to see what happens in the second issue.  Things look like they're going smoothly but then there's a slight twist.  There's also "The Official History of the Marvel Apes Universe, part 1."

Oh and as they mention in the solicit, Speedball is in this...

I give this a 4 out of 5.  They claim no ads but what I read had a few, not as many as your average comic.  It's a lot of reading and managed to make me laugh.
Flingin' feces, True Believer-- the entire Marvel Universe has gone APE!

Just when he thinks life can't get any worse or weirder, Marty Blank – a.k.a. that lovable loser, the Gibbon -- finds himself and the brilliant-and-beautiful Dr. Fiona Fitzhugh transported to a world where monkeys rule and humans don't exist!

SEE the spectacular simian city of Monkhattan!

MEET the hominoid heroes and villains – SPIDER-MONKEY! DOC OOK! IRON MANDRILL! SIMIAN TORCH! THE APE-VENGERS! And more!

THRILL to the return of Speedball!

CONTAINS No-Ads, as we are thrilled to present you backup tales exploring the Apeiverse!

LEARN the dark secret of the primate planet!
WORRY that the fate of the entire universe is in the hands of the Gibbon!

Not a hoax, not a dream, not an imaginary story - just the most not-to-be-missed mini-series of the season! If you only buy one (well, two) comics this month about super-powered, intelligent apes-in-capes, it must be MARVEL APES!