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Comic Book Question of the Week: Favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe Character

Who's your #1 hero or villain from Marvel Studios' movies? Come vote and speak your mind!

The Marvel Studios universe is returning to the big screen and we here at Comic Vine think that's worth cheering about. So, what better way to celebrate than being all kinds of topical with our weekly question, right? Thor: The Dark World is already out in some nations and opens here this Friday (you can read Tony's review here), but we want to know if he's your favorite character in the cinematic group. Or, does another person hold the top spot for you? Gaze at the options in the poll, think it through and then cast your vote!


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The poll will remain open until Thursday morning (ET). Once it's locked, a new article will go live with the results and more. If you want to go the extra mile, go ahead and get your elaboration on. Why'd you vote for a certain character and what exactly makes them so fantastically awesome to you? Check the homepage Thursday to see the results and more!