liberty's Aquaman #2 - To Die By the Light of the Sea review

    Avatar image for liberty

    Everything the first issue should have been

    The First issue at hand
    The First issue at hand
    A solid start.  A great read.  Everything the first issue should have been.  The first issue of this series is the one where Aquaman gets the water-hand and, it was done quickly and in my opinion poorly.  I do not believe the series needed to start with this development and would have been better off having a similar story over a three issue story arc.  All that said...It is too late at this point.
    Now Aquaman is setting off on his own adventures wondering if he will even stay with the Justice League.  There is a lot of things going on and he is meeting new and interesting characters.  This is a book worth reading.....all the way up to the end when Aquaman gets bailed out in a way very similar to the first issue.  It is as if the cover should say "Lady of the Lake" instead of "Aquaman".  After all she is the one pulling off the final heroics.
     Ready to fight again
     Ready to fight again
    Personally, I can overlook the final act but I don't want it to keep happening.  Something has got to give.  After all when the going gets tough for Aquaman now I am going to expect Lady-of-the-Lake to save the day and then when she doesn't I'm going to wonder why.  
    This story gives me hope for the series when I had virtually none after the first issue.  I would recommend it to anyone.  I gave the book a solid four stars as it was great.  The two new characters introduced seem like they will be a lot of fun in further issues.
    In Liberty We Trust

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