peteparker's American Vampire #18 - Ghost War, Conclusion review

    Avatar image for peteparker

    Wonderful as always!


    Other reviews for American Vampire #18 - Ghost War, Conclusion

      One Will Rise, One Will Fall 0

      Pearl and Skinner finally have the face off that's been a long time coming.   The Good Albuquerque's art on this series is always top notch, but this issue fully encapsulates the consistent excellence he produces. The little details like Skinner's wounds gradually healing panel to panel are minor touches that many may not take into account while reading but they make a huger impact on the story.  And the way he's able to convey both intense and subtle emotion in his figures via body language and...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      A thrilling, epic story! 0

      A lot of people came to the American Vampire series because of Stephen King’s work on the first several issues.  I actually started following the series much later, after Scott had already began his run on Detective Comics.  It was Scott Snyder’s name that drew me to the comics, and his writing never ceases to amaze!   Despite my late arrival to the series, I started reading with issue #1.  I’m very glad I did, because the thrilling finale of the Ghost War storyline draws heavily from the events...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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