

    Movie » Alien released on May 25, 1979.

    The special effects extravaganza that kick-started the famous franchise.

    comicstooge's Alien review

    Avatar image for comicstooge

    In A Class Of It's Own...

    Now before I get started I have to say, that this movies is the greatest Sci-fi\Horror movie ever made! 
    The Good:

    -The Acting was great Sigorney Weaver's performece was increadible 
    -The Scares: The scene where one of the crew is crawling in the air vents and gets ambushed going down the ladder was for me, the scareist movies scene ever! 
    -The Plot twists were great too!  

    The Bad:
    - The Effects are out of date (but considering it's time they were it was pretty good)

    Other reviews for Alien

      Sci-Fi & Horror all rolled in one.... 0

      I had the luxury of sorts of seeing this movie as a kid.  Granted, I may have been too young to see the movie, but my Dad and I shared a love for Sci-Fi and he took me to see this with him at the Drive-In.  Wonder how many Viners have been to a Drive-In Theatre...... Regardless,  I  was enamored with Sigourney Weaver and I also damn near pooped myself during the scene where the alien breaks through the character's chest.  Oh, yeah, I think it made a lot of people jump, and that scene alone is wo...

      8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

      Alien 0

      SynopsisA group of space travellers stumbles on a discovery where it leads to terrifying circumstances.The GoodSignourney Weaver is known as a heroine in the sci-fi genre. This sets the stage for her career in the Alien movie franchise. An alien that has gotten loose and the space crew tries to find it. This lead to scary moments in the history of horror films. Because the creature lurks in the dark and eats human flesh one by one. The special efftects were gory to watch as the similar movie, Jo...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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