herx's Adventure Comics #520 - Tragedy, The Death of Lightning Lad; Nucleus, Part 5: Atom-Ant review

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    He uses his credits like a superpower

    Adventure comics #520. The first to die... If you couldn't guess by the title alone, or even the cover art, a legionear has died. So we continue the trend of current legion adventures in Adventure comics which take place in the late 30th centurey and tell us of the early adventures and problems of the legion of super-heroes. 
    As this issue, as well as the past few issues, are re-telling the events leading up to ( and after ) Adventure comics #304 ( 1963 ) we don't see the events of the death of the certain legionear except in Saturn Girls flashbacks and monalogues. The death of the legionear ( if you dont know by now, im still not saying ) seams to mark a turning point in the legion and how they oparate. R.J.Brand has paid off councel members of the United planets to allow the Legion to act by themselfs without the aid of call of the Science Police and it seems as though the legionnears have discovered how this whole super hero buissnes is harder than they thought.  In short the current Zaryan story has padded out a deepend a pre-existing story from the 60's and has turned it into an even deeper and powerfull turning point for the legion.   
    Once again i must inform all Atom fans, or fans of this current second feature that i, personaly am not a big fan of the Atom, and a proper rivew to give this second feature justice could not be written by me. sorry :P
    The story is, well, difficult to talk about as it is, in essence, mearny padding to a pre-exisiting story and so we do have some of the cheezy 60's explenations emerging in this story. But never the less its well done. The artwork is nice and the colouring bright as it should be for early legion stories.  
    So we have the end of the current Legion story in adventure comics ( with 521 taking place in contemporary legion history in the early 31st centurey with the revival of the green lantern corps ) and over all i must say that it was a nice read, and a great compliment to a story who's one time only villain seemed harmless and who seemed to pose no threat at all. For any Legion fans who know of the events of issue 304 i think you'd enjoy this story in all. For new readers, like i always say, stay away. Not only dose this story link in to another, way older pre-exising story from Adventure comics early run, but it also dosnt take place in the same time as the current Legion of Super-heroes solo title, and as well as all that this issue is the end of a story ( and the end is never the best place to start. So my final verdict gave Adventure comics#520 a 4/5 


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