
    The 'Nam #12

    The 'Nam » The 'Nam #12 - From Cedar Falls, With Love released by Marvel on November 1987.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Ed Marks has his first brush with Agent Orange and its memorable.



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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Mail call 0

    Another good issue in the run of this series.  This one highlights how important it is to get and send mail but in so doing shows how the soldiers get desensitized to the war.  Ed is writing home to his parents and despite seeing things going on in front of his eyes which might scar a person for life, he sort of downplays it to his parents, partly to save them from the horror, and partly it seems because he has shut off that part of his mind from the horror as well.  The action here sort of revo...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.
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