
    The Divider

    Character » The Divider appears in 3 issues.

    A superhuman made of many miniature versions of himself.

    Short summary describing this character.

    The Divider last edited by SlamAdams on 11/22/23 11:48AM View full history


    The Divider debuted in The Alternates #1 by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, and Tess Fowler.

    Major Story Arcs

    In the Ledge

    Divider was one of six expendable heroes chosen by The Continuum to investigate The Ledge, a rip in space and time. Unfortunately, they ended up trapped for three years in a mirror world, created by Ledgerstone, a reality warping god.

    After the Ledge

    Having returned from The Ledge, Divider fell into a deep depression. When Tripper started group therapy sessions, Divider was in attendance for awhile. He ended up leaving the group, claiming to have reconnected with his old life. Unfortunately, he turned up dead, overdosed on Prestige, a drug made from Ledge energy.

    Powers & Abilities

    Division: The Divider is made up of a number of miniature clones of his original body. They can act independently or work together in an individual humanoid form.


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