

    Character » Raenis appears in 6 issues.

    A hellspawn that would battle the Greek god Zeus for revenge.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    The Prophecy

    Cronus of the titans once ruled unchallenged. However, a prophecy stated that one his children would one day take over. So in order to prevent this, Cronus ate all of his children. One child survived and banished all the titans. This child was known as Zeus and he would rule from Mount Olympus.

    The Second Prophecy

    Another prophecy told of Zeus's demise. A child conceived by Cronus and a mortal woman would end Zeus's rule. Such a child did arise known as Raenis. His mother fearing Zeus took Raenis to a island of centaurs to hide. Yet, Zeus found out and killed Raenis and his mother.


    After Raenis's death, he made a deal with Malebolgia and returned as a Hellspawn. Raenis burst through the Underworld quickly defeating the three headed guard dog, Cerberus, and Hades (God of the Underworld). Raenis upon entering Earth came across his former love. His lover had been transformer into the gorgon known as Medusa. The two plotted to defeat Zeus out of revenge. Zeus used all of his resources to combat Raenis but was easily defeated by the Spawn. Raenis and Medusa then become rulers of the mortal world for the rest of their lives.


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