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Five stupid card game moments in “Yu-Gi-Oh”.

I usually talk about Yu-Gi-Oh when it is October because the manga was messed up as hell.

People get mosaic vision, people constantly burn to death, brainwashed people keep chasing you despite the fact you use their face as a punching bag, Russian roulette in food style YOU NAME IT!

Know what else is scary? The downright dumb things that happens during the duels. Not talking about plot or lack of logic in the world, but about strange things that happens in the duels that makes little sense.

Here are five examples:

Mai’s perfume trick.

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Mai has a trick she developed when she was a card dealer in a casino. The idea is that she has used perfume on the cards in a deck so she can recognize the cards by sent.

... There are several problems with this idea.

Look, it’s not IMPOSSIBLE. But a deck has 40 cards. So she has to memorize 40 different scents. And she needs an extremely good sense of smell to detect the specific scents. And this trick is even more ridicules when she used in in the casino since a deck of playing cards has 52 cards.

Also, wouldn’t the different scents get mixed up whenever she shuffled her deck? And not to mention that she is damaging the cards by making them wet with perfume.

Call of the Haunted

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So, when Jonoshi fights Bones, he has to deal with Call of the Haunted.

The card turns all of Bonz’s dead monsters into zombies, and if they die, then they return to life right away with 10 percent extra attack.

... That’s all fine and good, but how come Bonz doesn’t lose any life points? His zombies get’s revived, cool. But damage is still dealt since they are in attack position, right?

Illegal spell cards.

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Jonoshi is under Malik’s control as he duels Yugi. And Malik even placed some cards inside Jonoshi’s deck to make it more likely that he would win. Kaiba is shocked since these spells are banned im the tournament since they deal damage to players to easy.

... So why not install a block function in the duel disks?

It can’t be that hard to modify the duel disks so that they won’t activate some specific cards. Just saying.

Dark Magician defeats Marshmallon.

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When Yugi fights the Pharaoh, he uses the card Marshmallon, a weak card that can’t be destroyed in battle. But the Pharaoh attacks it with Dark Magician, and Marshmallon dies since magic attacks is one way to actually destroy it.

... Except it is NOT.

Marshmallon’s effect says: “This monster can only be damaged by spells and special abilities.” NOT that magic type monster attacks can kill it.

Okay, YES, you could argue that Dark Magician’s attack is a “spell”, but that is one heck of a stretch.

Shadow of Eyes loophole.

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When Yugi duels Mai in Pegasus’ castle, Mai uses the card “Shadow of Eyes” that forces all of Yugi’s cards to be in attack position.

But Yugi finds a loophole.

He summons Mystical Elf in defense position, much to Mai’s confusion.

And Yugi justifies this by saying that Mystical Elf is immune because she is a WOMAN.

... Think about that.

The Yugioh manga did NOT age well :P

I’m Waezi2, and happy Halloween!


“Beastars” in 5 panels.

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You know, I was worried I would get kink shamed by my peers, but I’m apparently small potatoes… wow.

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I’m what Winnie the Poe would be like if he became Hannibal Lector.

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Legosi, you can beat that insane bear with the power of friendship!

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You mean I will win because you believe in me or something?

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No, I mean that you should eat my foot so you can go super saiyan.

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… Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

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W2 review: Beastars

You know, I was unsure what to do for Halloween. What to review. I already mentioned quite a few comics that I think makes great reading for the spookiest month of them all.

This manga that I have recently discovered is not horror as such, but it is a bizarre tale about a world that is much more frighting than you would expect.

Imagine Zootopia... but with carnivores who has it much harder than the ones in the Disney movie. And NOT just because of discrimination.

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Cherryton Academy is a boarding school in a world of anthropomorphic animals. The school's students are extremely mixed and many of these students turns out to be important figures in a society where carnivores and herbivores co-exist as well as they can.

But then, one of the students, a llama, gets killed. But not just killed, he got maimed and eaten, meaning that it was a carnivores who committed the greatest crime imaginable. The relationship between carnivores and herbivores students that was anything but perfect to begin with get's ten times worse as the paranoia spreads.

Our hero is the grey wolf Legoshi. He never had it easy since he is a big and scary-looking carnivore, and the tragic incident makes his life a bit more difficult... Not that he cares as such since he always had to live with being feared by those around him. We follow our hero as he tries to figure out who killed his llama friend, as well as experiencing this cruel and bizarre world he lives in that is much more complicated than he assumed it was to begin with... AND we watch him get frustrated as he becomes quite confused after meeting a dwarf rabbit.

This is what a Beatrix Potter book would be like is it was a gritty murder mystery series. Besides following the adventures of the reserved wolf Legoshi, there are several subplots and other characters that gives this series so many layers and dept. Heck, some chapters are dedicated to one background character, like a chicken Legoshi sits next to during class who takes pride in being the bird who produces the eggs in the wolf's egg sandwich.

Not for the faint of heart, but an excellent read.

Happy Halloween. I'm Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.


“Beastars” in 5 panels(?)

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Hello, I’m Haru the rabbit, lone member of Cherryton School’s gardening club.

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OMG, you are ADORABLE!

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Also, I’m the school’s slut.

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Despite my cute appearance, I am a sex goddess.

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… WHAT?!

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I am fully aware that the girls in school treats me like dirt and the boys sees me as a sex toy, but I prefer that instead of being seen as feeble and small. My sexual promiscuity gives me a twisted position of power.

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And I thought I was messed up.


Analyzing the hell out of the “Beastars” opening theme.

Only known about “Beastars” for about 24 hours, and I am already a fan of what little I have read of the manga. This manga turned anime has taken the classic animals-living-in-humanlike-society and given it a dark and different twist.

But I want to talk about the opening theme that is quite something, not just because of the unique style it has thanks to the magic that is stop-motion.

I suggest you see it before I analyse the hell out of it:



The opening has a tango-like tune that makes you think of dancing as we see…

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… a wolf that is shrouded in shadows and baring his fangs during a full-moon night. Wolfs are usually associated with the full-moon, and we think of a bloodthirsty predator. And sure enough, the beast drools, and we see why.

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A rabbit is strolling around the woods, not knowing that it is about to become prey.

The fact that these two animals are wearing clothes like characters from a Beatrix Potter book does not make this scenery any less creepy. In fact, it kinda makes it worse.

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When the rabbit is finally aware that it is about to be chased, the woods they are in is then shown as a deer, a stag to be precise. The stag (besides that it will be revealed that said stag has a connection to these two very different animals in the anime) is an in-between of a wolf and a rabbit since it is not a predators but it is still a strong animal and not prey the same way the rabbit is.

Then, the rabbit runs for it’s life as the hungry wolf chases it. When the rabbit trips and the wolf is about to attack…

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… it becomes day. The two animals are now in sunlight, not covered in shadows, making the wolf look less intimidating. And they are no longer in a forest(a place where it is survival of the fittest) but are in a garden with something as not-nature-like as a fountain. Something organized and civilized.

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The wolf and rabbit can now see each other in a new light(literally) as a young man and woman. Despite being natural enemies, civilization makes romance possible as we see the predator and prey engage in dancing and kissing.

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... Aaaaaand then we cut to nighttime, and we see the the wolf red-eyed and deeply disturbed. We also see blood tainting the stone-floor of the organized and civilized garden and the skull and fur of an unidentified animal next to said blood. A butterfly is stuck in the puddle of blood, just to hammer in the point.

So what do we get out of this intro without context? Well, I get out of it that civilization can change how creatures interact, but (as the ending implies) that it is hard to fight once nature, even if you try to dress it up nicely. Can clothes and good manners make a wolf less of a beast, or is civilization a temporarily fix?


"Yu-Gi-Oh" Pitch Meeting

(This parody is based on a concept by the talented Ryan George. Check out his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScreenRant)

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So, you got a game idea for me?

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Yes sir, I do! It's a game from a manga that I suggest we make into a real one.

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Oh my, we can make people play this game by using the manga as a commercial that already exist. I love it! What it the name of the manga?

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Well, the name of the manga is Yu-Gi-Oh, but the GAME in the manga is called Magic and Wizards.

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Screw that! We call it Yu-Gi-Oh so we can hammer in that this is the game from said manga. Anyways, what are the rules of this game?

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I will tell you what they are: terrible!

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Oh, really?

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Yes, you see, once each turn, you can summon a monster from your hand completely for free as long as it is level 4 or lower. But if you wish to summon a level five or six card, you have to sacrifice a monster on the field. Two if it is a level seven or higher.

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But what is the point of level 3 and lower? Those cards are by definition worse than a level 4 card, and it is not like in Magic where there is a point of having weak cards because they are cheap.

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I don't know!

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Fair enough.

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So there are also these cards called spells and traps. Spells are card with an effect that you can use once and traps are cards you can prepare for a specific action you opponent will make.

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Ah, and you can't use more than one of those each turn, like with monster cards, that meaning you have to be careful when to play them since you won't be allowed to use two spells per turn?

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That would actually make sense, they even do that in the manga. But NOPE! You can use as many as you like.

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Sounds like using a ton of cards and domination your opponent too fast is super easy, barely an inconvenience.

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Hmm... So this game has rules that are extremely flawed, has several low-level cards that in theory aren't worth collecting, and if you collect the right ones you can practically win in four turns due to lack of proper restraints from using strong cards right away?

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Yep, and don't get me started on special summoning of cards! That will be what this game is essentially about in order to win.

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Well, at least the game will have a ton of fun cards that are worth collecting.

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Yes, but then we will reprint some of the VERY rare cards as common cards, that way bumming out the people who either payed a lot of money or gave away a ton of cool cards for one that at the time was almost impossible to get!

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You telling me we will make a game simply to please the fans of a manga, and then shit on these people who invested money in our product by making a cheaper version AFTER they might have sold a kidney to get said cards?! That's inhumane!

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It is, but we WILL make a ton of money.

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Oh, making a ton of money by tricking dumb kids is tight!

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Yeah, and we will make new cards who has more or less the same effect as some already existing cards but better, making the older cards redundant!

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But we WILL make it possible for the kids to make almost exact copies of the decks used by the characters in the Yu-Gi-Oh manga since that would be fun for them, right?

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Okay, didn't think so, just checking.

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AND we will make an anime series with the same plot as the manga but with terrible phasing so it will drag out and we can make more episodes by staling. A terrible commercial the kids will actually pay to see! And it won't even teach them how to play the game because the anime will follow the rules from the manga that are even worse than the official one!

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Being evil is fun!

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YEAH! There are no limit to our wickedness!

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Well, we won't reboot the game, right?

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What? And force people into buying new cards to completely replace their collection of now literally useless cards? Na, who would do such a thing?

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Five harmless things videogames made creepy.

Dating simulators.

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You know dating simulator games where you can date different girls and learn how to interact with them correctly?

Imagine such a game where the game seems hacked and gruesome things happens to the girls who disappear when you restart the game. And then you realize that the game (Doki Doki Literature Club) has become self aware and even knows who you are and what your real life name is. And it even calls you out for having a cam on, meaning you have an audience.

Black and white cartoons.

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You know about those studios who did their best competing against Disney during the golden age of black and white cartoons? How characters like Felix the Cat and Betty Boop was crushed by the competition.

Imagine a guy owning such a studio that was about to go bankrupt and he then decided to worship Satan so he could make his characters real with ink.

And then EVERYTHING went wrong!

That's just the top of the horror mountain that is "Bendy and the Ink Machine."

Forgotten alarm clocks.

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The world of "Forgotten Anne" is on the surface a Narnia-like world where lost and forgotten junk ends up, like a left shoe, a suitcase, a toy, so on and so on.

But then this lovely little fairy tale world becomes perverted by something as rare as a forgotten human who will do anything to be not-forgotten. He does many horrible things.

Like turning an old alarm clock who was a nanny into a giant monstrosity and warped it's world-view so she would hate the world.

Bland RPG kid.

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You know how you have a bland kid character in a RPG where you defeat enemies over and over again so you are strong enough to complete the game?

Imagine a game(such as Undertale) where you are being held responsible for killing someone. ESPECIALLY if you grind to reach max level, because that will turn your character into a demonic being who will end up destroying your game since ending things becomes it's only purpose.

TV marionette shows.

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"Showdown Bandit" is a fun horror game where you are a puppet from an old marionette TV show. you move around, evade and shoot enemies and meet creepy dolls.

But then you end up in front of the audience who looks like an odd cult... and a hand picks you up for breaking the rules?


"Civil War" Pitch Meeting

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So, you got a comic book event for me?

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Yes sir, I do! I call it Civil War, and this one is gonna be a real game changer!

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Oh my, tell me more.

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So it all starts with the New Warriors dying. You remember the New Warriors?

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Sorta, they were kinda like the Teen Titans of Marvel. How do they die.

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In a big explosion caused by a supervillain. So big that tons of people die, including a lot of kids.

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Oh, dead kids are TI...

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... wow, that's horrible.

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It IS horrible! And now everyone is pissed at the superheroes since the Warriors were irresponsible and young.

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But that makes no sense. The bad guy was the one who caused the explosion. Why should the heroes be held responsible for trying to stop the sicko?

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I don't know!

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Fair enough.

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So all the politicians decides to make a new law that forces heroes into not having secret identities AND to make them work for the government.

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What are the specifics of this new law?

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How should I know? I don't care about politics because politics are DUMB!

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All that is important is that it splits the heroes up. Some support the new law, the rest don't. And these two sides are being led by Iron Man and Captain America.

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Oh, so Cap will lead the pro-reg heroes because he more or less already works for the government as well as always believing that breaking the law is wrong, and Iron Man will lead the heroes who opposes registration since he always had trouble with the government and believes in privacy and independence?

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Nope! Iron Man will support the registration because he is rich, which means that he is a dodo head!

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Hmm... makes no sense, but okay. So what will happen when these heroes who used to be friends and allies clash?

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A whole lot of stuff! Like that the pro-reg heroes will lock the anti-reg heroes in the negative zone AND they will make a clone-robot of Thor who kills a black superhero nobody cares about.

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... Oh my god, WHY!?

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Oh, it get's BETTER! the Fantastic Four splits up in the worst way possible, super-villains get's hired to hunt down heroes, the heroes cause a TON of damage fighting each other instead of bad guys, Invisible Woman spies on people in a REALLY creepy way, everyone acts like they always hated each other, Cap works with the Punisher as well as Kingpin AND almost pummels Iron Man to death, AND, and this is the big one; Spider-Man will sell his marriage to Satan!

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You are more or less tearing the Marvel U apart for the sake of a dumb event series? How do you live with yourself?!

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It’s actually super easy, barely an inconvenience.

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Oh, really?

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Yeah, because I can tell myself that writers will just fix this mess eventually with retcons and revival of characters who died in this story. Meaning that consequence means little to nothing in this fictional universe!

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You are a monster. But this event series will make us a ton of money.

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Wanna know what will make even MORE money?

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Five things you might not know about the Justice Society.

Wildcat wanted to become a doctor.

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Ted Grant was encouraged by his father do do sports since he was a little kid to build character, hoping it would make him unafraid of the world. Ted hoped that he could get a scholarship with his athletic talents so he could study medicine and become a doctor. But after his parents died, Ted had to quit school and then tried to get a job which was not easy during the Great Depression. He became a professional boxer after he saved the life of the champion Socker Smith who became his mentor... who Ted unfortunately killed in the ring during the championship fight.

Mister Terrific 2 became a hero because of Spectre.

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Michael Holt did not commit suicide after his wife's violent death because of the Spectre. As he was about to jump, the Spectre stopped him due to two reasons: A) murder is a sin, even suicide, and B) he was reminded of his old friend Terry Sloane who wanted to end his life despite having so many talents to share with the world, just like Michael. After hearing the story about the original Mister Terrific, Michael decided to not kill himself and make the world a better place with his intellect and gold-medal worthy athletic skills.

Hourman is partly to blame for the existence of the drug Venom.

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Rex Tyler became a hero after inventing the drug Miraclo that gave him superpowers for about an hour(hence the name Hourman). He decided to keep the drug for himself, but some of his notes on how to make Miraclo got stolen. It was impossible to make a perfect replica of the drugs with only some of the notes, but it was possible to make a new steroid (not AS effective though) called Venom, the infamous drug that gives Bane his immense strength.

Jay Garrick has a "Zoom."

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Dr. Edward Clariss was a professor at Jay Garrick's university. He wanted to recreated the formula that gave the Golden Age Flash his superpowers and succeeded by creating a drug he called "Velocity 9." None of his scientific colleagues took him serious though, so Dr. Clariss decided to become the speedster criminal Rival, wearing a "darker" version of Flash's outfit(instead of, you know... SELLING his invention and becoming a millionaire). But since he got his speed from a drug unlike Jay who actually HAD powers, Dr. Clariss could only use his speed in a limited time period, which was the reason to his defeat when he first fought the classic Flash.

The JSA "Teen Titans."

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Infinity Inc is to the JSA what the Teen Titans are to the Justice League.

Silver Scarab, Fury, Northwind, Jade, Obsidian and Nuklon were young superhumans who somehow had a connection to the JSA(like being a relative of one of the JSA members) and wanted to join the team. They were told that they could not join since they were "too young and inexperienced." The Star-Spangled Kid who was the youngest member of the JSA thought it was unfair that the young heroes did not get membership and left the JSA so he could make his own group and invite the young heroes to join.


Showcase issue 17 in 5 panels.

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My name is Adam, and I’m an archaeologist.

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I managed to discover a legendary Inca city, the discovery of a lifetime.

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But the locals were anything but pleased by my presence and I had to run for my life.

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And THEN I got randomly teleported to another planet where I met a hot babe!

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Ah, okay… this origin is… kinda inconsistent.

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