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Favorite members of classic JLI

I'm a fan of the original JLI with it being one of the few teams consisting of characters that I all like. However, out of it's sizable roster a few characters stood out more than others. Some spoilers await.

List items

  • See the Ted entry.

  • Doing everything from repossessing a tank to hunting vampires, Blue Beetle and Booster Gold might not have been as powerful as J'onn, but they made up for it with personality. The two formed a partnership during their years in the JLI that continued not only up to but after Ted's death which was only made possible due to time travel. If I could Booster and Beetle would tie for first.

  • Chocos enough said.

  • I love Guy, and he would be higher on this list if he wasn't acting unusually peaceful throughout the series until his fight with lobo. However, such moments of peace highlight what makes him such a lovable jerkass and why you should beware his power, green lanterns light.

  • For me JLI was my first introduction to Ice and Fire, but unlike Fire, I find Ice the more memorable and likable character. Ice really captures the feel of the book as a whole; much like the series Ice also seemed more innocent when compared to the DC universe as a whole.