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Most Powerful Superman Ever

Any version of Superman: any reality, any name, any character, any form

Honourable Mentions

DCEU Superman

Animated Superman

Cyborg Superman (Post-Crisis)

Red Son Superman

Yellow Lantern Superman

Injustice Superman

Superman Earth One

New 52 Superman

God of Strength Superman

16. Parallax Superman

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Name: Superman

Reality: New 52

Well he got defeated by Sinestro and his gang, but he's cool right?

15. Superman Red/Blue (Post Crisis)

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Name: Superman Red, Superman Blue

Reality: New Earth, Post-Crisis

Power drains, shape-shifts, manipulates magic etc.

14. All-Star Superman

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Name: Kal-El (All-Star Superman)

Reality: All Star Superman

Over-exposure to the Sun. Presumably became Superman Prime One Million.

13. Post-Crisis Superman

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Name: Superman

Reality: Post-Crisis

Yeah, we all know this guy. Pretty strong for a character.

12. Kingdom Come Superman

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Name: Kal-El (Earth-22)

Reality: Earth-22, Post Crisis

Stronger than current Superman.

11. Superman Prime One Million

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Name: Kal-El (DC One Million)

Reality: Post-Crisis, New Earth

He forged a convenant to grant his decedents power far beyond any metahuman. Yea, but maybe with the help of Hourman or 5th-dimensional imps whom also helped him in resurrecting Krypton?

Not to be confused with Superman-Prime, or Superman One Million.

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10. Composite Superman (Silver Age)

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Name: Joseph Meach

Reality: Earth-One, Pre-Crisis

Yes, he slapped Superman around in canon, the same one that sneezed away solar systems.

He absorbed all the powers from the Legion of Superheroes, and 3 times as strong and durable as Superman because of Supergirl, Mon-El and Ultra Boy.

9. Herald of Galactus Superman

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Name: Superman

Reality: Earth-7642 (Crossover Universe)

Yet another golden Superman? Yes, Superman combined with power cosmic. He does not have any concrete feats, but power cosmic on top of the already powerful Superman deserves a spot here.

8. Sinestro Corps Superboy-Prime

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Name: Kal-El (later also Superman-Prime)

Reality: Earth-Prime

Before rebirthed in black suit as Superman-Prime, Superboy-Prime became part of the Sinestro Corps and Anti-Monitor's heralds with a variant of the power suit from Infinite Crisis. Not only was he able to face all the superheroes and Guardians, he killed a wounded Anti-Monitor, even without his power suit.

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7. Superman One Million

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Name: Kal-Kent

Reality: All-Star Superman / DC One Million (Post-Crisis)

Being a decedent of the Superman dynasty and 5th-dimensional imp, he has all of Superman's powers plus telekinesis, Braniac twelve level intellect, and 5th-dimensional vision. At this point, the ranks are considered pretty much unbeatable, until you see those ranked above.

6. Silver Age Superman (w/ Sword of Superman)

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Name: Pre-Crisis Superman (might include Bronze Age)

Reality: Pre-Crisis, Earth One

On top of all the ridiculous powers that Silver Age Superman has, this sword dwarfs him with universe level power, thus more powerful than even Composite Superman.

5. Klyzyzk Klzntplkz

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Name: Klyzyzk Klzntplkz

Reality: Post-Crisis

A 5th-dimensional reality warper. No big deal.

4. Superman-Prime

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Name: Kal-El (Previously also Superboy-Prime)

Reality: Earth-Prime, Pre-Crisis

Superboy-Prime infused with Oan energy and warped back into the multiverse.

He is simply a monster. Thrashes powerful than 5th-dimensional beings, a weakened Anti-Monitor, and stood on the Source Wall like nothing.

3. Quantum Superman

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Name: USAF Captain Allen Adam

Reality: Earth 4, New 52

Oh boy, this guy.

Quantum Superman was recruited to fight the Dark Monitor, meaning likely beyond even multi multiverse level.

2. Strange Visitor Superman

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Name: Kal-El (Strange Visitor)

Reality: Strange Visitor (Non-Canon)

He tore holes in dimensions even Mr Mxyzptlk could not access, held back the heat death of the universe with a fraction of his powers. Never showed his true power, probably limitless.

1. Cosmic Armor Superman

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Name: Thought Robot

Reality: New 52 Multiverse

We are finally here. The uncontested Superman, Thought Robot himself.

An nigh-omnipotent plot device. He exists He is the fusion of Superman and Ultraman, so normally not considered as Superman really.

0. Ben Affleck Superman

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Name: George Reeves

Reality: Hollywoodland

No Superman beats Batman.