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  • One of my very favorite series ever. Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson at their best. And their best is very, very good. The best, if you will.

  • Brian K. Vaughn has a magnificent brain, and this proves it. Something I think everyone should read.

  • I don't throw the word "epic" around like many people do these days. Mike Carey's Lucifer is epic.

  • My introduction to Vertigo comics, and non-superhero comics in general. Not the easiest series to read, but once you get in, you never really get out again. Probably my favorite comic ever.

  • I love Fables, and I don't think I'm alone in that. I'll be sad when this series ends. Good thing there are so many issues already.

  • I wish Warren Ellis wrote this as an ongoing instead of FreakAngels and/or Astonishing X-Men.

  • It is a strange world. Let's keep it that way.