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Clark part 4

Seems I wasn't the only survivor from Krypton.

Smallville, Kansas 1995

It was near 10:00 pm and Clark was enjoying a night flight taking great joy in the wind flowing through his hair until he noticed something barreling through the clouds. He noticed it was headed straight for the high school. He flew as fast as he could and caught it a mere six inches from the school roof. He then took a look at it and saw that it was a craft similar to the one that had brought him to Earth only slightly smaller but bearing the symbol of the house of El.

He took it home and called his parents out to the barn, "What is it Clark?"

Clark marched out excited, "Its another Kryptonian ship."

Jonathan and Martha followed him in and he went to the hatch, "Hold on a second Clark, that could be dangerous."

Clark looked up, "Only one way to find out."

As Clark loosened the lock on the hatch a hologram appeared, it was Jor-El, "This craft is a test shuttle, if all went well and it stayed on course it should arrive several days prior to my son."

"Okay, obviously it didn't go as planned."

Jonathan gave Clark a wary stare and grabbed a near by pitch fork just in case something dangerous popped out. Clark pulled open the hatch and looked in, "That's not what I expected."

Martha was nervous,"What is it?"

Clark then pulled something out and turned to his parents, "Its a puppy."


The next day Clark woke up with the kryptonian puppy at the foot of his bed. He came down to breakfast and noticed the concerned look on their faces,"What's wrong."

Jonathan sat down, "Its the dog, are you sure you want to take this on?"

Clark gave his father a glare, "He was lost in space for god knows how long for my sake, the least we can do is give him a home."

Martha chimed in, "But he's not even an actual dog, there's no telling what an animal from Krypton will do."

Clark became a bit indignant, "Does me being from Krypton mean I only look like an actual person?"

She glared, "You know what I meant."

Clark eased up, "He's the only living piece of Krypton I have. That's why I named him Krypto."


A month later

Martha stands in the living room, "Clark, you need to get down here."

He comes down the stairs buttoning his shirt, "What's up Mom?"

She points toward the ceiling, "That."

Clark looks up to see Krypto standing upside down by the ceiling fan, "Cool."

Jonathan came down the stairs after Clark and sees Krypto, "What the hell was going on with that planet?"

Clark walked out side followed closely by Krypto who flew out the door, Clark then rose off the ground, "Come on boy, lets see what you got."

The two seemed to disappear in a blink.


Th next day

Clark sits across the table from Jonathan, "He seems to be able to do everything I can do, I think he has better senses than me because he's a dog but that's pretty much the biggest difference."

Jonathan looks over, "But can he learn how to control the abilities?"

Clark nodded, "That's the really weird part, he figured out how to control them faster than I did and he seems to actually understand what I mean when I talk to him. Not like a person or anything but he's way smarter than any dog I've ever seen before."

Jonathan nodded, "I'm sure your mother will be delighted to hear that the dog won't set her on fire when you go back to school next week. I take it you'll be done with the glasses by then."

Clark shakes his head, "Nah, they've grown on me. Maybe I'll start a new fashion trend."

Jonathan chuckles and pats Krypto on the head.

(To be continued)