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What I've Read

Pretty self-explanatory. Just a list of every book I read and something i felt/thought about it.

List items

  • I never knew of this series until it was recommended by a friend and LCS. The first story was a bit too ghetto for me, but the second one involving the former restaurant owner reallygrabbed my interest and the glimmer of an ongoing plot.

  • I dunno about this. The crisis of annihilating all life and giving the planet a fresh start is okay and all. I'm just having a hard time stomaching Diana's personality and all that seething independant womyn femenism. All she needs are flannel shirts and native american jewelry.

  • I'm not sure how I feel about a new Batman. I loved Bruce. I didn't like the flying Batmobile. It looks retarded. Really like Pyg and that whole doll shtick of his. That was nicely disturbing.

  • Loved the justification of the kiddie executions and Stump was horribly wonderful.

  • The concept of a cross-genre suburban supers family is pretty neat, but there's just so many plotlines introduced for all the characters that it seems a bit jumpy.

  • This was all right, but I'm not sure a rock band of clones assassins is my cup of tea.

  • Why narrate every little thing she does and thinks? It's so annoying. The second story wasn't interesting at all either. Very disappointed.

  • I loved how twisted this was, especially all that stuff about his brother. Definitely among my favorites.

  • This was terrible and total waste of time and money. It was sacrificed to the paper shredder.

  • Still loving this series. I'm glad to learn more how the rest of the world fares. The ending was also moving.

  • Kind of a shaky beginning and I was confused most of the way through until I caught on to what "the drift" meant. I'm going to pick up the next few issues to see how it goes. I think it's one of those that needs a chance to get going and is better read as a whole than serialized.

  • It's good, but feels a bit formulaic. Such is the problem with fantasy.

  • It's got art from a variety of artists and nice bios of several characters from the Thundercats universe. Not a bad primer for those unfamiliar with the setting and also a nice collector's piece.

  • Those blue-light weapons looked awesome. So creative and horrific. Loved the art. Can't wait for the conclusion.

  • Aj, another great issue!

  • It was good, but not very spectacular. Felt like I was re-reading something old than new.

  • A lot of great things happened in this book. I just hope the momentum keeps going.

  • It's no surprise the two of them hooked up so quickly. I'd really like to se more plot here, though. There's only a few issues left.

  • Excuse me while I go throw up.

  • That creature was wonderful.

  • Pretty good. Can't wait to see mother.

  • It's a good series, but I have to be in the mood for it.

  • A weird alien-virus aimed at making humanity conform to their civilisation. Good idea, and it was pulled off well.

  • Makes me sad I sold my Blood Bowl miniatures all those years ago.

  • A little too much back story for my taste, but i suppose it was necessary.

  • Man, Geoff. That was wonderful. I'm glad you were crazy.

  • It's been a long time since I read this, and it's still good.

  • "Your life could end here, now, and nobody would ever know. Would anyone even miss you? Tell me, what’s your life worth, punk…" -- Batman.

    What a great line. I have high hopes for this, but the art bothers me. I just don't dig it.

  • Having a hard time paying attention to the story when the art bothers me so much. The robot looked weird.

  • Lex Luthor's elaborate plan intrigues me. I will read more. I love Lex Luthor.

  • I love zombies. Tony Moore's zombies look really cool. The issue was a good setup for things to come.

  • A werewolf story that actually seems like it will be cool.

  • Archibald is one awesome Grey.

  • Great art, good writing, but not really into dark fairy tales.

  • I like how it's black & white. Great set-up, too. Really wanna know what's going on in that town.

  • That weird talking astronaut monkey creeped me the hell out.

  • Ugly cover. Having a hard time believing and discerning the premise. Hoping things become clearer next issue.

  • Really like the art. A lot happened in the book and I'm not sure what's going on, yet.

  • The crap storm is getting worse. I wonder how Julie's getting out of this mess.

  • Jiro's acceptance just wasn't believable to me.

  • There's great art in this. I particularly liked the Transformers and Stay Puff.

  • A dimension of hive zombies? Awesome!

  • Redemption! This is much better and more believable than the Transformers one.

  • The worst of all them. Nothing in this was believable and too much time wasted on rivalry.

  • Wasn't sure I'd like this, but Cinderella makes a good secret-agent. Like the noir styled exposition, too.

  • Loved her tweeting exposition.

  • I like how she dealt with her grief. Poor thing. :(

  • Nice! another story regarding the background junk of being a super. This time, it's all about the assistant. What a crappy job.

  • Holy, crap! Great book! What a twisted world! Love it!

  • I had a hard time getting into this issue; was sorta dry reading. The ending grabbed me, though, so I'll look for the next issue.

  • Too many dislikes; jumpy, funky art, boring.

  • Crazy idea for a book, but written extremely well. The multiple personalities are handled well with the identifying bubbles. Great stuff.

  • Very pleased. Has the same feel as the previous story and just as deprived.

  • Great start, so far. I want a cell phone like that.

  • More about the crisis was revealed, and the two teams are... Tolerating each other. Liked it.

  • Wow. Really good story. Hope the guy lives.

  • Kinda boring and typical. Monster stats at the back kinda cool. Kinda.

  • It reads just like an episode of the cartoon. Really enjoyed it.

  • Off to a great start. Yo, Joe!

  • My three favorite girls, together. *dreamy sigh*

  • Always wondered about this guy. This was a great story.

  • Creepy undead pets. Good story.

  • I rather liked this. I wasn't aware her origin was the cartoon. She's one of my favorite characters and good pair with Joker.

  • I like mockingbird, but absolutely can't stand hawkeye. Ugh. Not sure if I can go on with this. My loathing of him runs that deep.

  • Not a bad conclusion, but it sorta left me hanging. Like I missed the last 5 minutes, or something.

  • Woah! Twist! Can't wait for more!

  • Like the title.

  • Hate the art as much as I hate the story. Worst thing I've read in awhile.

  • Awesome, but ready for the next casualty.

  • Crazy plague story. This is getting interesting.

  • Not a bad start, but not hooked.

  • Cool story about precog sleep dep.

  • She has an awesome character design, very femme fatale. I look forward to more.

  • Nice "M" drawn with the fire. Love the little touches in this book.

  • I hated the art. It was awful. People looked really funky sometimes. I did like the writing and storytelling and wouldn't mind more. It seems so disconnected on it's own.

  • Interesting, but meh overall. Scratch this off my list.

  • What an awesome start! Must get all of this ASAP!

  • A start of what happened to the town is revealed and our sleazy journalist is 'bout to have a bad day. Look forward to the next issue. Looks like things are headed out in the woods.

  • Great start for a story. It's another secret world dealing with magic. I also liked the scriptures in the back. Very well written with nice illustrations.

  • It's as I feared. This issue was dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

  • This issue was as good as the last. I'm really enjoying this series. It was fun and a bit humorous seeing her at a comic book convention. I particularly liked the panel with her holding a massive stack of comics and big smile on her face.

  • It has a nice art style to it and the story is pretty interesting, too. Curious what the stolen artifact can do and what will become of Benny.

  • Can't stand Ant-Man. I'd like to curb stomp his arrogant-*ahem*. Aside from hating Ant-Man, this was all right. It felt more like I was reading a cartoon, though, which I didn't care for in this instance.

  • I didn't really care too much for this issue. I don't really like either character, now, nor how they interact. With one issue left, though, I might as well finish the story.

  • Wow. Not only is her character design awesome, along with the art, it has an interesting setting. I feel sorry for Ucky. I liked him... it. I'd also like to know more of these biomechanical creatures. They're really neat.

  • This issue was as good as the last. It gives more insight into her character and the mystery surrounding her creation. I can't wait to read more. I hate waiting.

  • So far, so good; actually, excellent.

  • The plot thickens.....

  • This keeps getting better and better.

  • I like Natasha...

  • I can't stop reading this series. It's very good. They did a good job portraying all the characters in that time period and the art really enhances the experience.

  • It seems Doom has been dealt with, but there's still more problems. So close to being done.

  • Ooooh. Finally going to gdt some answers about the rift. Can't wait for that. I didn't want Strange to die. I liked him and Clea.

  • While I liked the ending, I also hated it. Mostly, because it DID end. I really liked Clea and Strange. Ah, well. I have the rest of this story arc, so I'll read on.

  • We continue right where we left off, mostly. Peter's spider bite has given him powers and Hulk is protecting a brontosaurus and her.. calf? I'm liking this, so far.

  • That's a nice design for Iron Man. Very nice design.

  • The story is shaping up nicely. Too bad things are crumbling for them, but then, that wouldn't be as interesting a read.

  • Looks like we're in for some action next issue. Still enjoying this story.

  • I enjoyed this story, it has a nice ending. Looking forward to the rest of it and hope it keeps up in quality and entertainment value.

  • Not a bad issue. More believable than the Transformers one.