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Top 10 Superhero Films

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  • The greatest superhero film ever made. It has some of the best acting, writing and cinematography in any movies.

  • The street as his finest. A gritty and interesting political film with some of the best action scenes in CBMs. Evans really showed range here and it was a fresh breath of air.

  • The greatest origin story ever made, it really showed us why Bruce becomes Batman and it has a fantastic performance by Neeson as Ra's and Oldman as Gordon. Hans Zimmer's score, the cinematography and the very good dialogue make it stand out aganist films of the genre.

  • i haven't found the movie so I’ll use this, nothing to say that Phoenix killed it as Joker and it was an overall great film.

  • A very fun action movie with a good villain, good action and great special effects.

  • The movie that gave us a new character, and launched RDJ career back on track.

  • Flawed but great conclusion of the trilogy. Bane was a great villain, the score and supporting cast was good, it has a good dialogue and character interactions etc.

  • Fun and light origin story about my favorite female character. Could have been a bit better if not for the final fight....

  • Between this and watchmen but watchmen couldn’t be found here. Anyways it’s a very good movie with good action scenes and a good adaptation of the comic. Nothing special but still pretty good

  • An emotional and good team up, flawed but entertaining enough. The third act carries the movie