
    Legionnaires #4

    Legionnaires » Legionnaires #4 - If Looks Could Kill released by DC Comics on July 1993.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    If Looks Could Kill last edited by doughnut42 on 02/18/24 07:07PM View full history

    The new Emerald Empress learns that revenge is indeed sweet as she draws the Legionnaires into deadly battle. Also, Mano and the Persuader meet Mordecai...and another Emerald Empress?

    Leland McCauley continues to reunite the Fatal Five, revealing that he has the body of Tharok in stasis and a brand new Emerald Empress, while another woman, Cera Kesh, seems to wield another Emerald Eye and takes some revenge on Live Wire and Inferno.


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