super_man_23's Justice League 3000 #7 - The Betrayal! review

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    Family problems.

    Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, and Howard Porter join the Justice League, of the future, after they have successfully escaped from the prison planet!

    The Good

    We are all in this together!
    We are all in this together!

    So in this issue, after being held prisoner by the Five; The Justice League escapes off the prison planet, a.k.a. Earth, with Ariel Masters and decides to regroup to fully understand what they are up against! At this time, more drama comes up with the team and The Five's leader is finally revealed! To summarize, it's just one big happy [cloned] family!

    This is one of Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis' best issues. Playing with the concept of clones is no new thing, but it is enjoyable to see how the writers play around with different personalities and remake what it means to be a hero in the future. At least in the Justice League 3000 world. The reason, why, this issue was so good, at least in my mind, was how the writers focused on the family aspect of the Justice League.

    Having the heroes find out that they are clones of the original Justice League, and that they were created using; not only the League's DNA, but also average human DNA [ultimately murdering the human DNA]; it was really crippling for them. It's cool to see how the writers are building on that plot point to shape the League from being a crude instrument, into the heroes they used to be! And Ariel Masters is the one person that is holding this team together.

    She's the mother of these clones! Ariel is the brains behind the Justice League living and breathing right in front of her. And it's really awesome to see how the writers use her to make the team, or family, whole. It adds a certain level of depth to this series when it can go from, just something that is an okay read to something that is worth coming back to.

    The artwork by Howard Porter is freaking awesome! I enjoy his style and how he captures the world of Justice League 3000.

    The Bad

    This issue was pretty enjoyable. No complaints!

    The Verdict

    Are you reading this series? Do you even care that it exists? This series is best for new readers that want to ease into DC Comics New 52, but also enjoyable for readers that want to have a light, casual, read. Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis did a pretty amazing job with this issue's story! Having it focus on the team's bond with one another and how The Five have their roots in the League as well. It was a well paced series of events that brought this great story together; and was accompanied with some great artwork by Howard Porter! Overall 5 out of 5. Until the next one!

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