
    Green Lanterns #30

    Green Lanterns » Green Lanterns #30 - Out of Time Part Four: Never Quit released by DC Comics on November 2017.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Out of Time Part Four: Never Quit last edited by The_Kidd on 02/24/24 01:10AM View full history

    “OUT OF TIME” part five! Jessica, Simon and the first seven bearers of green rings face Volthoom in the past as he holds the Guardians of the Universe hostage. As Lantern after Lantern falls, is there any chance of stopping the First Lantern from rewriting reality?

    List of covers and their creators:

    CoverNameCreator(s)Sidebar Location
    RegRegular CoverBrad Walker, Andrew Hennessy & Jason Wright1
    VarVariant CoverBrandon Peterson2

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