
    Gold Digger #99

    Gold Digger » Gold Digger #99 released by Antarctic Press on August 1, 2008.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Cresens has been "saved", and Britt and Gina share the downtime hidden from the Dynasty Fortress Ship Kia in an Ocean of molten Lava - Thanks to the massive robot Gespie built by Gina in Quasi space from a combination of Beta Tech left behind by the  Nomad Artificers and a dynasty Soul Furnace which used to belong to that Fortress...... 
    Until the Fortress Ship finds out where they are and decides he wants Cresens and his furnace back.   
    The Action Ramps up again as things stay hot and heavy for Britt and Company when the fortress decides on a course of action to resolve all it's issues. 
    And this solution is a doozy!



    • Fred Perry artist, colorist, cover, inker, letterer, other, penciler, writer
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