
    Donita Marlis Hellpop

    Character » Donita Marlis Hellpop appears in 3 issues.

    Nexus' mother, she was the sister of Brother Lathe who eventually became one of Nexus greatest enemies.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Marlis was born to a well to do family on the planet Vradic. She met and eventually fell in love with General Theodore Hellpop when she approached him to release her brother from political prison. The couple were married by her brother Lathe, a high ranking priest in the Church of Elvon. When Vradic exploded into civil war, Marlis escaped with her husband to the distant moon of Ylum, where she gave birth to Horatio. When Horatio was five years old, Marlis disappeared. Theodore and Horatio found her many months later, dead of starvation. She had gotten lost within Ylum's labyrinthine underground corridors. Horatio named the planet around which Ylum orbits Marlis in her honor.


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