TPB last edited by ndkfjdklafjdkl on 07/30/23 10:00PM View full history

    Their roster has included the likes of Black Canary, the Huntress, Harley Quinn and Batgirl. Fearsome fighting females who combat the carrion infesting their city. Watch the Birds of Prey soar.

    A high-tech hazard threatens the streets of Metropolis, and a mob boss recently "promoted" is to blame. As the Birds lose control of the situation, Metropolis's other hero warns Oracle about her future in the City of Tomorrow.

    Then Oracle delves into the mystery of Misfit while Lady Blackhawk and Huntress hash out their differences! And that's just where the story starts for our Birds of Prey!

    The Birds of Prey: The End of the Beginning collects Birds of Prey #113-127.


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