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    In this new title collecting BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS #6-10, the Outsiders' latest mission ends up stranding one of their own in space while the rest of the team fights for their lives behind Chinese borders! But can the struggling team learn to rely on its biggest loose cannon?


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    Talk About Ending On Multiple Cliffhangers 0

    The Story: Metamorpho is still lost in space forcing the Outsiders to attempt to steal a space shuttle from the Chinese and end up getting caught. Batgirl and Geo-Force escape and return with reinforcements to help rescue their teammates. Later Batman learns of a new threat in a club and sends the Outsiders to investigate. My Thoughts:This is the second story arc of this series since its relaunch and is once agin written by Chuck Dixon. He continues to impress me with his work on this series. Hi...

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.
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