
    Arkham Reborn #3

    Arkham Reborn » Arkham Reborn #3 - Part Three...The Ghost in the Machine released by DC Comics on February 2010.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Part Three...The Ghost in the Machine last edited by palsunstar on 06/14/23 10:09PM View full history

    The nightmare continues as Batman battles Killer Croc, Mr. Freeze and Clayface while the child-killing Raggedy Man gets his just desserts and Dr. Jeremiah Arkham learns the truth behind the Amadeus Code. Nothing is what it seems, and as the layers of madness are stripped away, it's starting to look like the new Arkham Asylum is one big joke.


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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Anti-Climatic 0

    Going into the final part of this 3 part series I was excited to see how it would end. Unfortunately, this excitement quickly faded as I read on. Everything in this issue seemed to be rushed just so it could be finished. While I am sure something more will come out of these characters, I personally would of liked another issue or two to make everything flesh out better. But unfortunately as it stands the issue, ended up being rushed and fell flat. The whole issue in itself is just no fun. The ch...

    7 out of 7 found this review helpful.
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