captain_bintang's Ultimate X-Men #14 - Wild Card review

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    Explosive finale to Gambit tale...

    Yes! This is better, I knew it was coming after the events in the previous issue - Gambit faces-off with Hammerhead...
    Although, he`s not truly Gambit yet, he`s just street hustler, Remy LeBeau - this fact and a couple of other details which had left me a tad confused are hinted at in this issue - and he`s on a mission to rescue a little girl taken from his care by the villain Hammerhead and his hoods...
    The opening scene, where Remy bursts into a room full of thugs, and blows them away - he does alot of this - is well done and sets the theme for the rest of the mag. The artwork is excellent again, it flows frame by frame like animation in some parts, really liked this. 
    Amidst this and later explosive encounters, we get a two-page scene were Remy is stopped in the street by none other than Storm and Xavier who offer the homeless mutant `hot food, a warm bed` - the Cajun sends them packing with a suggestion that the Prof may be after something a bit more intimate (gasp!) and sets off on his hunt for Hammerhead.
    Needless to say he blows the hell out of buildings and people on his way and I enjoyed his final confrontation with Hammerhead - who he disposes of in style. Although I was left wondering what all the fuss was about and why the gangsters were after the little girl at all...ah yes, diamonds in her teddybear, I think...ah,well. 
    Still, I don`t think it`s written for us readers to contemplate too much - it`s an action punch `em up issue with some great artwork - enjoy!

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