the_mighty_monarch's Titans #29 - Family Reunions, Part 2: Clear and Present Danger review

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    This Is No Longer a Brightest Day Tie-In Because...?

    The Good: WOW. I'm amazed. After 4 issues of 'meh' action, Fiorentino manages to do a complete 180 and actually make the action look good! And not just good but GREAT! Granted it's Dick, but this is still an excellent portrayal of Deathstroke vs. Batman. I was not disappointed in their fight. 
    A lot of my issues with the previous issue were adressed. The reason Brendt Sorenson was featured subtly yet unknown to me was because he/she(?) was the very target Cinder kept wanting to kill! A lot of the crazy little loose threads last issue are really adding up here and I like it. 
    Something interesting is happening to each team member. Instead of the Titans fighting some new threat, each one has been slowly dropped into their own personal hell of a situation. This is a much better way to handle a team comic than previously done. 
    The dialogue was great. There were a lot of amusing moments, especially Osiris' misconception about Killer Croc, and there was a lot of good serious stuff as well. 
    The Bad: The art, overall, still isn't great. I don't really like it. And there was one panel where croc's jaw was insanely awfully proportioned. It looked like there's no way it could've been still attached. How do you miss an art screw up that bad? 
    So.... why is this no longer a Brightest Day Tie-In? Osiris is still around and hasn't completed his mission. Jade finished her mission and that's why Justice League is no longer a Tie-In but why was it dropped here? It makes no sense. 
    In Conclusion: 4.5/5 
    Best issue yet. As I said, the action was fantastic here, and the flow was heads and tails better than the previous issues. It seems like Wallace has finally figured out how to write about this dysfunctional team he's created and make it interesting.

    Other reviews for Titans #29 - Family Reunions, Part 2: Clear and Present Danger

      It's just a little hendrix man. What, not a music lover? 0

      *blinks* well..... this series suddenly got better..... well better than it previously was. So Titans #29 continues were the last issue left off with out rag tag band of broken villains left in the middle of Arkahm in a mission to releas a certain inmate when suddenly all the cell door's opened releasing all of the inmates. Deathstroke took this opertunity to acomplish a secondary task of breaking another prisoner out, Allegra Gracia, when suddenly, crashing through the roof comes Dick Grason a....

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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