hyperion322's Titans #22 - Fractured Part 2 review

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    Not Completely the End

    Okay, okay, so this two-part story completely fell apart at the end. First, I didn't think it was possible, but Unzueta's art was worse than it ever was before. It was like the artist really didn't care about the outcome of the printed page. Second, this tale would have presented the perfect segue for the TItans to say good-bye to their HQ and hello to the JLA satellite. Unfortunately that doesn't happen -- nothing really does. 
    Starfire doesn't overcome her feeling of stifled emotions, she doesn't officially decide if she's staying with the team, nor does she commit to the Justice League. The last few issues of this series has shown that the former princess was invited to join the JLA and that she was struggling with the idea of being a part of another team, despite the urging of friend and teammate, Cyborg. Yet readers should note that there's no mention of this inner turmoil with the heroine the last issue of Justice League of America, where Starfire joins her family of the Titans as a part of the League. What was the point of this sub-plot and this supposed culminating chapter? I get the feeling that writer, JT Krul, was trying to state Starfire's personal independence from the Titans, but it becomes a moot point when she, Donna Troy, Cyborg, and Batman (Dick Grayson), become the newest Leaguers. 
    Perhaps it would have been a better idea to forget a pointless fight with Phobia (okay, sure we see Cyborg and Starfire's greatest fears overcome, but --) and show why the lifelong friends are vacating Titans Island and taking residence in Space with the likes of Green Lantern and Dr. Light. It's been announced that Deathstroke is taking over the TItans team (or at least creating a team of mercenaries and using the title), but will he and his cohorts be taking up residence in NYC now that the real Titans have moved on? I was hoping for a little bit of an answer to this question. Sadly, no. I know a lot of fans were disappointed with DC Comics with the poor showing of this book, the constant revolving cast of writers and artists, as well as change of direction. I was holding out, hoping for the best because of my love for Donna, Vic, Dick, and Kory and thought at the very least this last (mis)adventure would have brought some closure, but DC dropped the ball ... again. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Titans are treated better in the Justice League! 
    ~ Hype


    Other reviews for Titans #22 - Fractured Part 2

      Together....For the Last Time!? 0

      At the end of Titans #21 we saw the number of the Titans decrease to 3 members with Flash deciding to go take care of personal things and Roy unconcious in STAR labs after a JLA incident, Beast Boy and Raven have gone west to lead the Teen Titans levaing Star, Cyborg adn Donna as the remaning active members of Titans. But the numbers seem to decreazsing ever more as Starfire is invited to join the Justice Legaue, and Donna is staying at Roys bed side. As Cyborg tries to convice Starfire to join ...

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