jonesdeini's The Uncanny X-Men #541 review

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    Charles, Noooooo!!!! Charles, You Got My Head...

    Cyclops initiates his plan to put a halt to the Juggernaut's momentum.  
    The Good 
    This issue does a great job of showing what a sound, tactical leader Cyke is. I liked that he ran through past tactics to remove Jugg's helmet before resorting to newer methods. It was a nice nod to the X-Men's past stories and a nice treat for longtime readers.  
    I really liked that Cyke and the X-Men are working so closely with Mayor Sadie. The Psionic Conference Room is a great concept that I'd like to see used a lot more in the future.  
    One of  my favorite things about Gillen's writing is the humor he injects into his stories. This issue me chuckle quite a few times and even laugh out loud. One particular moment that elicited such a response was when Cyke sucker punches Juggernaut's herald.   
    Last issue I was wondering what the point of the herald was, but now I get it. Gillen's actually solved one of the biggest problems with The Worthy by using this character. Up til now all I've known about the worthy is that they want to destroy and rampage, it's hammer time? The herald allows us to know what Juggernaut wants and why he's doing what he's doing. Gillen does a good job of establishing a rationale as to why the Juggernaut's attacking the X-Men and San Francisco   
    Gillen writes a PERFECT Emma and I can't wait to see what he does with her when Uncanny renumbers.  
    Hope gets some good usage this issue. There's a nice moment between her and Teon for all you Generation Hope fans out there.  
    The Bad 
    This cover is busy to the point of being cluttered, confusing, and just plane ol' unappealing. I get what Land was going for but this cover's just doing too much.  
    As it goes with anything with Greg Land pencils the art looks nice in some places but his usual problems permeate the issue. 
    Why's Kitty flying? Is Kitty flying? Did Colossus launch her toward Mags?  

    Now that I know his motivations for his actions I've got to ask, has the Juggernaut ever had a beef with mutants at large? That seems like a mischaracterization to me, it makes sense why he hates the X-Men, but all mutants?  
    The Verdict 
    After the last (utterly abysmal) issue I was really, really worried about how Fear Itself would affect Uncanny X-men. Now that I've read this issue I'm a bit more hopeful about how things could turn out. Now that I think about it, this issue is exactly what the last issue should've been. Some very solid writing and some great action make this book worth picking up if you're a fan of the X-Men. If you're planning on getting this as a Fear Itself Tie In then I can say don't bother. In fact don't bother buying 99% of the tie ins, the only ones that are affecting the main story (to my knowledge are) Journey Into Mystery/Invincible Iron Man. If you're looking for a potentially fun X-Men story though, then give this issue a shot. As I mentioned earlier, the last issue is totally unnecessary and you can jump right into this one and not feel the least bit lost. 

    Other reviews for The Uncanny X-Men #541

      Not your typical X-Men vs. Juggernaut 0

      "Fear Itself" hasn't really lived up to it's potential and the tie-ins have been bigger letdowns. Uncanny X-Men is one of the few exceptions. In the last issue the table had been set as the Serpent possessed Juggernaut prepares to "cleanse" San Francisco. Issue #541 has Cyclops and his X-Men coming to meet him in an attempt to save the city. It's basically an action issue but one that really amps up the stakes.  Kieron Gillen has been hit or miss with his storylines. That said I really enjoyed t...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      The Juggernaut is even MORE Unstoppable 0

      This issue of Uncanny X-Men is the "Fear Itself" tie-in that pits the X-Men against the Juggernaut who has been picked as one of the Worthy to carry a Hammer from The Serpent. Scott Summers is trying to take the most tactical route to deal with the Juggernaut, and hopes to use the age-old method of removing his helmet in order to stop him with a psychic attack. With a whole legion of X-Men waiting to stand in his way, the Juggernaut is determined to level San Francisco and spread his war against...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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