peteparker's The Uncanny X-Men #539 - Losing Hope review

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    Other reviews for The Uncanny X-Men #539 - Losing Hope

      Gorgeous Art and Awesome Awkwardness 0

      Uncanny X-Men #539 surprises in many ways. Along with the addition of new artist Ibraim Roberson, this issue features the return of Hope and her squad to the realm of Uncanny, from which they have been absent for ten issues. Hope is an interesting, if polarizing, character, and I (along with many other fans, I'm sure) have been waiting for the awkward confrontation between Hope and Wolverine. We get that in this issue, and it does not disappoint.   At the beginning of the issue, Hope, Idie, and ...

      8 out of 8 found this review helpful.

      Solid Issue of Generation Hope 0

      Hope gets messiahnapped, Logan goes all "Man on Fire"  to get her back, they have a "moment".   The Good I loves me some Simone Bianchi covers.   This is Ibraim Roberson's first time working on Uncanny and I must say that he makes a mighty strong case for why he deserves to be doing so more often. I loved his work on New Mutants during Second Coming, and I must say that combined with Charalampidis' colors it's truly beautiful and something to behold. It's a shame that Land will be closing things...

      6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

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