the_mighty_monarch's The Outsiders #32 - Different Kinds Of Hell review

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    Dan Didio Is The Perfect Writer for His Favorite Team

    The Good: I can never stop gushing over PhilipTan's AWESOME BADASS ARTWORK. IT"S AWESOME. EVERYTHING LOOKS AWESOME. 
    Awwwwwwwwww. Man. Metamorpho. That's really gotta hurt man. Sapphire's dead. Damn, that's a heavy hitting moment on Metamorpho. Its a great plot twist, and they pulled it off really well. Metamorpho doesn't just scream NO!!!, he just stops, he's confused, he can't find the memories to perceive this news. It's a touching moment. 
    Owlman is ever the great detective. Awesome. 
    Freight Train is great, but dumb. He is so going to join the team, and I am all over that. AWESOME! He'll be such a great addition to this half of the team. He's such a great challenge to everyone emotionally, a big tough brute who always says the wrong thing, but he's so un-serious that it's hard to stay mad at him. If he meets Geo-Force when the team reunite, they're going to duke it the hell out almost instantly, and it'd be an awesome battle. 
    Such a great cliffhanger for that part of the team only 5 pages in. And it's just awesome. 
    As the cover would indicate, most of the issue is dedicated to the subplot that's been developing around The Creeper, who is an awesome character, and I've been waiting to see him again. 
    Hell looks awesome. 
    Creeper is a delight in every situation. He has some of the most amazing counter-lines, which are extra hilarious when they're about demons trying have his babies. 
    Segura is just awesome looking, and Serene is totally hot. I usually go for cute girls over hot ones, but if I were Creeper, I would've hit that with gusto. 
    Creeper's fight scene is AWE-SOME. 
    HA, Creeper's hit with such an unfortunate twist at the end. The cogs are in motion for some excellent things on the horizon. 
    The Bad: Overall, everything was so excellently put together it makes it hard to give this anything but a 5/5. However, the way he got out of it seemed really weak and a bit cheesy. He beat the heck out of Segura and so Serene just sends him on his way? It was a little too easy for something that's been subtly built up for months. Of course, it does leave off the promise that this was only the first encounter to establish what her whole deal is, so, that's fine.
    In Conclusion: 4.9/5 
    Everything was simply fantastic as usual for Outsiders, it is easily my favorite title currently running. Well, one of the top 3, it's hard to pick an absolute favorite. I mean, Batman and Robin is also a top top top contender. Everything ran smoothly and I have almost no complaints. The victory was a bit cheesy, but this comic was just so well put together I almost feel bad complaining. 
    It's a lot like the issue with Looker. It's 95% about a supernatural former Outsider dealing with a supernatural member of the opposite sex trying to get into their pants and be evil, and ends with them headed for Markovia with the blessings of their employer. And a few pages to look at the main group. What sets this one apart is Philip Tan;s amazing artwork, and everything else about it being so well made. It's setting up something as I said, so, it's a fantastic issue, Outsiders is a fantastic series, you shouldn't even need to read this review, go buy this comic now!

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