otoboke's Tales of Suspense #41 - Tales of Suspense #41 The Stronghold Of Dr. Strange! review

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    The Stronghold Of Dr. Strange!

    The insidious Doctor Strange makes his first appearance in this issue of Tales of Suspense and unfortunately it's a bit of a bum note to start off on. Like a lot of villains thus far in the Marvel canon, motives are sketchy and powers are even more ambiguous. Far from what he would eventually become under the guise of Steve Ditko (though it's popularly thought that this incarnation has nothing to do with the actual Dr. Strange created by Steve,) Lee and Kirby's Strange is something of a mad scientist gone rogue who wants to give the world to his beloved daughter. Well, hey, at least he's got some heart, right? And sure, it's a decent enough story ostensibly speaking, but once again we get silly mind-control antics, Iron Man breathing in fumes from flash-light batteries and crushing canon balls like he was The Thing. Still, it's an improvement over last month's train wreck; so there's that. Plus we have Kirby and Ayers on the art, which makes things a whole lot more tolerable—though we still have the whole Invincible Oscar Man thing going on.

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    Other reviews for Tales of Suspense #41 - Tales of Suspense #41 The Stronghold Of Dr. Strange!

      The Stronghold of Dr Strange! 0

      As someone who only recently began reading Marvel Comics my knowledge of Dr Strange mostly comes from rumour and hearsay surrounding his upcoming introduction to the MCU. I always thought he was introduced as a magic wielding hero, so to see him here as a technology driven super villain was surprising to say the least. I look forward to seeing his progression from villain to hero and I wouldn't be surprised if the seeds for that transition are as a result of the end of this issue.This comic move...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      DR. STRANGE VS IRON MAN!..No, not that Dr. Strange. 0

      Spoilers ahead. This time Iron Man actually faces a real "Super villain" and he is kind of awesome. Which doesn't mean his plan makes that much sense but I guess it is the thought that counts. What happens is this, Dr Strange needs to get out of jail to meet up with his daughter. Why? Just because he wants to see her. Then he takes a turn for the worse and decides to try and take over the worlds because EVIL! Iron Man is actually kind of in the shadow here. Which is odd because he did some cool ...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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