guido5595's Superman/Batman #60 - Mash Up, Part 1 review

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    Amalgamation is back

    I've been hot and cold with Superman/Batman. When this series began with Loeb and Mcguiness I was amazed. But lately i've become bored with the stories. This issue however was fantastic. The premise of this issue is that Superman and Batman arrive on a world with amalgamated DC characters like the Justice Titans, Commisoner White, Doomstroke etc.. Half the fun this issue is spotting all the amalgamations. The last page of the story was fantastic. Francis Manapul's art is astounding. This issue only makes me more excited for when Manapul comes to Adventure Comics. This issue also features an awesome Detective Comics Preview but 1 comment I have is that J.H. Williams makes Batwoman kind of booby if u know what i mean which isn't a bad thing but was weird. Anyway if ur sick of Dark Reign, New Krypton, Battle for the cowl etc... pick this issue up. Its only a 2 issue story arc and its so worth it.

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