starkiller809's Suicide Squad #1 - Kicked in the Teeth review

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    A Killer Read

    Adam Glass takes part in the New 52. His contribution, is Suicide Squad. The series before this about mercenaries was the Secret Six and was pretty close to perfect? Can this compete?
    The art is good and I think that it makes the story come together more. Adam Glass does a great job at introducing these characters to new readers. At first they might be confused but it all comes together at the end. Adam Glass surprised me with how good the story was. I wasn't sure if he would be able to capture Harley's personality but he did it well.
    THE BAD:
    I was hoping this would be like Secret Six and it wasn't but it is still good. And the costumes...
    THE VERDICT: 4/5 (Great)
    I was surprised about how good this was and am looking forward to the next issue. Anyone who likes good comics I think would find that this is an easy place to jump on to Suicide Squad. I would say that this was one of my favorite comics this week.

    Other reviews for Suicide Squad #1 - Kicked in the Teeth

      Delivers what it advertises. 0

      I'm a fan of both Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad so I was hooked to this book, but I triedto look at it objectively on the second read through for the sakes of critiquing the books merits,which good for it I'll be able to keep short.In a nutshell, this book delivers exactly what it advertises, nothing more or less, hence why Igave it a firm rating.- New revamped version of the Suicide Squad as opposed to the classic. Check.- Harley Quinn is present and her storyline continues and character progr...

      9 out of 9 found this review helpful.

      Someone Give Waller a Sandwich or Twenty. 0

      Another book defies expectations this week, and that is Suicide Squad. Despite the train wreck that was Flashpoint: Legion of Doom, Adam Glass manages to deliver on this premise, though not in spectacular fashion. It is a solid first issue that introduces us to who we need to know and even gives us some reasons to be interested in a few of them.When it was first announced, I was really looking forward to Suicide Squad. The premise sounded like a great one for a villain team book. Then, I read an...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

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