the_mighty_monarch's Red Hood: The Lost Days #5 - After School Activities review

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    Bloody Hell, Bollock, and Bob's Your Uncle.

    The Good: I love the cover, although it makes me really wish he'd done that costume. as much as I love seeing Jason Todd be awesome as himself, the difference is a bit jarring. 
    The way he continually improvises is awesome. There's a lot of interesting thing to the plot of this issue, and it makes the slow set up of the previous issue worth it. I was a bit annoyed by the last issue feeling like a slow less interesting repeat of #3 but this one really stood out much better. Just like 3 did to 2 and 2 did to 1, this issue represented another step up in the saga of Jason Todd. 
    The action in this issue was seriously top notch. Jason does a lot of combat against large groups of enemies and it's pretty awesome. 
    Jason's really coming together as a character. His methods of interrogation, crazy traps, and covert work is all brilliantly done. I especially love the way he pretends to be a British agent and the insane amount of backtalk he has to the british cop. You could actually feel the lingering fragments of Robin in him. 
    The ending setting up the final issue. As I've said, one of the best parts of this miniseries is how each issue represents a whole different part of Jason Todd's rise to Red Hood. This issue ends with a clear set up for #6 to keep up this tradition into the big finish. 
    The Bad: This issue still didn't completely distinguish itself from the past 2. There were a lot of new different and interesting factors, but I guess, #3 was just so much darker and I think I'm missing that extra little bit of darkness here. It's a lot lighter, although maybe that's the of the path? Either way, it's just a tad bit too happy for a Winick story XD 
    The cover got me REALLY wanting to see him in his Red Hood costume. I mean, he has it on 5/6 of the covers, yet he hasn't even made it yet. I don't know if he'll even don it in the final issue, it just seems a bit odd. But some of that depends on the last issue. If he doesn't don it, than it should be called Jason Todd: The Lost Years. If he does, I guess it's ok. 
    In Conclusion: 4/5 
    I went into this miniseries thinking it was a bit pointless. We know what happened. Jason Todd came back from the dead, hated that Batman didn't kill Joker, and became what Batman wasn't. Let's see more of what he's doing next! However, it's been a great look into the core of his character. What moves him, what drives him, how he thinks, and how he's different from the rest of the Bat Family. If you're a Jason Todd fan, this will not disappoint in the least. If you're a Batman fan, you'll very likely enjoy this as well.

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