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Batman and The Outisders

While reading Convergence Batman and the Outsiders, I remembered just what I always wanted to see in the book. I like new characters, don't get me wrong. But it seems that new characters are only created to do things with that no one is willing to try with the iconic established characters. Okay, so Robin became Nightwing. But there was still just as much more character development with Cyborg, Raven and Starfire. The same is true for Geo-Force, Halo and Katanna.

But what if there was a policy at DC against creating new heroes... How different would comic books and team books be...

Here are my thoughts on what Batman and The Outsiders would look like if DC had to use established characters instead of creating new ones.

List items

  • I'm really surprised that this never happened. Although, thanks to the Timm-Diniverse started in the '90's, the connection between Batman and The Creeper was more solidified. Jack Ryder's The Creeper seems a natural. We are talking about a team that would be based both on The Brave and the Bold partnerships, and one that reflects The Dark Knight's personality.

  • Here's another character straight from the Timm-Diniverse. Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League favorite Etrigan: The Demon. It would be cool to see the whole magic, mythological elements the stories would take on with Morgan Le Fay, Arthurian legend and Camelot.

  • Before he became Justice League comic relief, bumping Ralph Dibney to the minor leagues, Eel O'Brien could have been a huge part of The Outsiders. What fascinates me about each of these characters so far is the tragic nature and the secret identities. The Creeper, The Demon and Eel were all cursed with their abilities. Just like Rex Mason. Making them each Outsiders. And yet, they can function somewhat in normal society. Jack Ryder is a news anchorman, for instance.

  • I would suggest Power Girl as the obvious link to all other teams and concepts of the DCU. Her legacy connection to the JSA and Infinity, Inc. along with retconned connection to Atlantis and Arion, as well as Aquaman; plus, an obvious spin on The World's Finest would be epic.

  • There are others that would certainly work on The Outsiders; Ragman, Catwoman. Maybe Talia. Zatanna is another '90's connection. Batman operates on a cool mystic level that is opposite of Superman's weakness; and, there are cool mythic elements from Wonder Woman, too. Don't get me wrong; Geo-Force, Halo and Katanna are cool, but what if they were off the table?