chroinkero's Nightwing #7 - Turning Points review

    Avatar image for chroinkero

    It's About Time

    The Good:

    This issue was great! It is about time that this comic has finally shown how good it can be. Some of the last few issues have been pretty bad, mainly #5, and it is good to finally pick up a good Nightwing issue for a change. Now onto this issue in particular. The story has really picked up and I loved how they brought Nightwing into the Court of Owls storyline. You end up with a lot of interesting "What Ifs" at the end of this issue and I feel like the next issues will be great

    The Bad:

    I didn't like how Nightwing, very emotionally, yells at Bruce. It was very childish and I thought the purpose of Dick becoming Nightwing was that the wanted to become more adult like. Also I didn't get why he yelled some very emotional stuff and then just gets over being punched in the face within seconds of being punched in the face, without another mention of it.

    The Decision:

    I gave this book a 4.5 because of how good it was and also because of how well it forebodes for at least the next few issues, especially in the Night of Owls cross-over. I would have liked Dick to act more mature but I guess that will come as the story continues to progress.


    Other reviews for Nightwing #7 - Turning Points

      The Satisfying Conclusion I Didn't Believe Existed 0

      Sigh. Look, it's better than the Green Lantern banner because I get the point of this one. It's not hyping a movie that didn't need extra hype, and its for a good cause. But it doesn't change the fact that the "We Can Be Heroes" banner is a huge detriment to the covers its on. Although this cover's already kind of odd. I mean, I should like the idea, but everything looks sort of.... chalky. And Nightwing's face is a little odd, and something's off about the balance.Well DAMN. Color me IMPRESSED....

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      Finally! 0

      Coming into this issue as a big fan of Nightwing, and having put down Batman #7 just a few seconds earlier, I really wanted to like this book. I'd read all the previous issues from the beginning, and was expecting a big pay-off to a great premise, and a story that had a lot of potential. I'm very glad to say that I was not disappointed. At all.This issue completely did it. I don't know what 'it' is, but after putting the issue down, I felt good. I felt satisfied. The character and plot work was ...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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