deactivated-5b749253880e5's Miracleman #1 - Book One: A Dream of Flying review

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    A miracle has happened on Earth-616! Spike's Miracleman #1 review.

    I'm amazed no one has reviewed the comic book yet, it's not like this legendary story is brand-new. I don't think I have to review Marvelman's visionary return heralding the darker days of comic book plots. It was, by all means, revolutionary when it was originally published and many of us downloaded it as soon as the internet was invented. I'll stick to the implications of it now being a Marvel Comics publication, it's advantages and the weird implications.

    The book is gorgeous and it is materially worth the $5.99 price and it includes the first 3 parts penned by Alan Moore. I loved the new coloring, the cover, the design, and the extras were also quite extensive, it was like one of those Criterion DVDs with Joe Quesada interviewing Mick Anglo and stuff.

    About the "author," I don't think he will be very happy to know that Mick Moran has now worked for the Daily Bugle. Maybe in a further Marvels retcon he has even been Phil Sheldon's protégé. Taking this into consideration, it is surprising that the character didn't get his original title back; Marvelman. I'm guessing copyright laws got in the way of that.

    It's very cool to see this story now available at stores for us kids that were born in the '80s and beyond, though I also think now being a corporate character that will probably make appearances in Guardians of the Galaxy isn't an extremely good thing. It can go both ways even if Neil Gaiman writes it. His later comic book work has not been anything to write home about.

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