ectoplasmic's Justice League of America #39 - Reunion: The Dead Shall Rise, Part 1 review

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    Flashback Wednesdays!


    VIBE is back from the dead?!?! Seriously? Is this for reals?

    Believe it, folks, because this is really happening. And what's worse is he even talks in his Chicano gang slang! It's just too good to be true! Not even death can wash away the failure that is Vibe and his urban street slang!

    I was worried something like this would happen.   I just knew they were going to bring back some lame character from the late 80's or early 90's. Next we'll be treated to someone like "The Hoop Master" or "Stilt Man." Because lets be honest… I can't say if they're dead or not, but with a name like "Stilt Man" I'm inclined to think they would have committed suicide long ago…

    So the issue…

    We see Black Lantern Dr. Light use… his Dark Light as a power.

    And Vibe uses his… Dark Vibes as a power.

    And Abracadabra uses… his Dark Dabra as a power.

    And Commander Steel… Is real good at standing around not using his powers.

    Apparently all Black Lantern powers will be manifested in huge splotches of black ink from now on as declared by Geoff Johns in accordance with the prophecy.

    I know I'm making a lot of fun here so I'll try to be series. I hate all the JLA second stringers. I never would have picked this title up if not for it being a Blackest Night tie-in. As it turned out I'm sincerely happy with this purchase. I felt that it was written well, drawn even better and really enhanced the overall Blackest Night experience.

    I didn't expect Mark Bagley's art to work for this tie-in. His art is more "Looney Tunes" and less "Dawn of the Dead" so I was surprised with how well his dead heroes and villains turned out. I suppose I was just accustomed to his work for Ultimate Spider-man.

    Overall if you're following Blackest Night this will be a nice side dish for you. If you're avoiding Blackest Night for some weird reason I imagine you're annoyed with this detour.


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