psynetrix's Justice League International #9 - Into the Firestorm review

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    The JLI goes to Paris!

    So I'm jumping onboard the JLI train with this issue, and found it to be pretty cool. Without being excessively comedic, it manages to have its laughter-inducing moments; and even Batman who seems so out of place helps ground the title to the serious aspect of it. Love Lopresti's art.

    Please check my mini-review here:

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    Other reviews for Justice League International #9 - Into the Firestorm

      Spread So Thin It's Down to Molecules 0

      Can we PLEASE get someone else on cover duties for this series? Aside from not matching well with Aaron Lopresti's interiors, we have what appears to be the once-great David Finch channeling Rob Liefeld. LOOK AT OMAC'S FREAKING ARM. It's THICKER THAN HIS HEAD. Speaking of heads, look at Guy Gardner's. IT'S COMING OUT OF HIS SHOULDER. And I thought nobody could make OMAC's mohawk look any worse. You didn't have to accept that challenge David.Oh.... my god... Aaron Lopresti undid it. He.... he mad...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Another member? or what? 0

      I think the main problem with this book is the tendency to force in characters at the most awkward moments. First there was Bat-wing, who was forgiven by the fact that his ties with Batman make his involvement feel much more natural than they otherwise would have. O.M.A.C. wasn't so lucky, and really derailed issue 8 towards the end, and now, out of nowhere, Firestorm is shoved in? Maybe it's because I haven't been reading Fury of Firestorm, mostly out of my dislike for the very poorly executed ...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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