starkiller809's Justice League #1 - Justice League, Part One review

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    The First of the Fifty-Two

    After months of teasing and waiting Justice League #1 finally hits Local Comic Shops and stores all around the world. Does Justice League live up to it's high expectations? 
    With Geoff Johns and Jim Lee on creative duties, it seems like this comic book will be perfect, and it almost is! Justice League #1 retells the origin of how the team formed. The story is good. It's Geoff Johns so I expected that, but I really liked how he he wrote Green Lantern's cockiness and Batman. It was said that he really want to make sure their was conflict between the characters and there is already quite a bit of that.  I really like the banter going on between Batman and Green Lantern. They both seem really cool. It feels really good for what it is trying to do. It sets up a new feeling to the book and gives you a slight peak at these changes in the DC Universe. The art is amazing! Jim Lee is one of the best, if not the best, artist in the industry. I also liked the ending concept design pages.
    THE BAD:
    This issue is good but it only has Batman and Green Lantern. Cyborg does have a slight appearance and Superman flaunts his new costume on the last page but other then that all you get is Bats and Hal. I really think that they should have had more characters in it if this is starting this DCnU. However, I think the future solicitations show that the other characters are coming and this can be forgiven. 
    THE VERDICT: 4.5/5 (Amazing)
    Geoff Johns and Jim Lee do a great job at getting this issue going and I really like it, but I think they should've had a little more characters. Anyone who wants to get into comics, this is for you, it was made for people like you. If you have been reading comics, you'll still like it and want more. In the end I would say everyone should get this. (If they can find it. I'm hearing that they are selling like crazy!)

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